◇22. Those Three Words◇

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in the matter of a WEEK I've gotten #1 on three hashtags??? guys wth I love you so much <333 this is unfortunately the last chapter, but there's a small note at the end of it :)


Since the kitchen was being renovated, Giorno decided we might as well add an extra room so I got my own. Fugo wasn't completely opposed to the idea of me staying in his, but gave in to it when he realized I needed more privacy.

I was just settling into my room, getting comfortable in my bed when someone knocked on the door.

"Y/N, can I come in?" Fugo asked from the other side of the door.

"Sure, go ahead." I told him and he walked in, closing the door behind him. "What's up?" He didn't say anything, as he only slouched down on the bed, laying on top of me. He took a deep sigh, resting his head on my chest.

"I embarrassed myself." He said, and I chuckled, stroking his hair.

"I doubt it. What happened?" His hand traced along the sides of my body, and he was clearly enjoying the location his head was in.

"Mista happened... I was going to talk to Giorno and ask him something, and Mista came up with the genius idea to fuck it up for me."


"He told me you all called him GioGio, and that I should too." I held onto him as I started laughing so hard I nearly cried.

"You... You didn't actually do it, did you...?"

"...Needless to say, Mista has four forks stuck to his face now."

"F-FOUR?!" I couldn't stop laughing, so Fugo lifted his head to look at me. I wiped away my tears as I stared at his pissed face, but there was a hint of blush on his cheeks as well. "What is it?" I was still chuckling slightly.

"You're beautiful when you laugh."

"H-Hey! I can't laugh when you say stuff like that..." I complained as I stopped laughing, so he snuggled into my chest again. "What did you talk to Giorno about, though?"

"Ah, that's right. You still have a day off before going back to work, right?"

"Yeah, a few extra even. Considering the whole Caryna thing, I got an extra week, why?"

"I asked him if I could have the day off, and he said yes. Y/N, I'd like to take you on a proper date."

"A date? Really?" I questioned, a bit surprised as he looked up at me again.

"Yeah, and not some casual place like Libbeccio. I want to take you somewhere new, that'll be only ours." He explained, giving me a wholehearted smile.

"I'd love that! What are you planning?"

"That's a secret." He tried to get up, but i pulled him back down again.

"If you won't tell me, then I'll have you stay here with me all day."

"We can't waste our day in bed, Y/N."

"You think it'd be a waste to spend the day with me here?" I pretened to sound sad, to make him feel bad.

"What?! No, no, not at all! I just-"

"Don't worry, I get what you mean." I smiled, and he got off me so I could sit up properly. I was just about to stand up when he grabbed my face and kissed me. As random as it was, the kiss itself was rather passionate. He slipped his tongue inside, and I gave in right away. I put my hands on his chest and leaned in further, hoping to get more.

◇Cuore Mio◇ Fugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now