Chapter 5

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"Good morning, Miss Daisy."

"Please don't call me that so early in the morning" I say, turning the other way and giving my back to Mason.

"I won't call you like that ever again. I promise" he says, kissing my shoulder. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did. You?"

"I hadn't slept like this in ages."

"Probably because you hadn't worked the way you did last night in a long time" I say, turning again to face him.

"Are you talking about attending the pub and then cleaning it, or about what happened after?" he asks with a cheeky smile.

"Both. Ben was right about his feeling. And the tongue thing."

"I can do that again if you are in the mood for it" he says, pulling me closer to him.

"I am, but I also have a mountain of papers to go through. And Dixie probably is asking for his breakfast."

"He'll survive without it. Haven't you seen how fat he is?"

"Hey, that's my cat" I say, pinching Mason's butt.

"And that is my ass!" he replies, laughing. "But you've called Dixie your cat. Does that mean that you are staying?"

"He is my cat because I inherited him. And... Maybe."

"Maybe isn't an answer. I need numbers, a percentage."

"Ok, fine. It currently is 80% yes, 20% no."

"Interesting... Were you as convinced yesterday morning?"

"You and your ego just made it go down to a 79%."

"Damn it. I better go back to work" he says, moving to be on top of me and starting to kiss my neck.

"Still at 79."

"Ok" he says, moving his thumb over my nipple, making me gasp.


"I'll have to try something else, then" he says, his mouth going to my other nipple.

"Fucking hell" I gasp.

"That's not a number" he says before going back to what he was doing.


"And if I keep kissing you down..." he says, leaving kisses all over my stomach "do you think that 80 will go up?"

"You can try" I say, feeling my whole body tensing in anticipation.

"Still at 80?" he asks, stopping under my bellybutton.

"If you don't keep going down, it'll be the 80 the one that will."

"Yes, ma'am" he says before doing what I asked him to do, making me moan the moment I feel his tongue on me.


"Hello there."

"Oh my God!"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" Rúben says.

"My heart is literally on my throat. What is it with you men in this town and scaring me?"

"It has happened before?"

"It has, yes. Thank God I didn't have my coffee on my hand yet."

"I'm sorry" he says again. "Long night?"


"That is your coffee, isn't it?"

"Oh, yes. The past twelve hours have been... Intense."

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