I looked away feeling a smile itching on my face from his compliment, how do you respond to a genuine compliment? Like thanks? "Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." Ha nailed it!

When we stopped at a red light he reached behind the seat and pulled out peony. My eyebrows shot up and a smile pulled at my face "You got me flowers?"

He nodded handing them to me and I took them gracefully "Thanks. They look really beautiful." Each flower stood out, they were different shades of pink. Some had a more alive look than others and some just were short. Hey I'm usually not a flower girl but these flowers kinda just make me feel happy. Like my stomach is about to explode or something.

"No problem. I saw them and they reminded me of you."

"May I ask why?" I looked down at each flower studying them.

"They symbolize beauty."

My mouth formed into a, o. "You didn't have to."

"Jules it's the bare fucking minimum. It's the least I could do. Be prepared for way more. I'm going to give you everything you deserve." He spoke with determination. Interesting.

There was silence the rest of the way. I was still shocked, even the radio was too stunned to speak.

"Are we at least going to get food?" I opened the glove department looking for any spare food I kept in the car.

"Yes Jules we're going to get food" he sighed irritated. I smiled, food. I sat back the rest of the ride debating on if I should make a therapy appointment. I guess so- Grams recommend I put Val in Daycare early but I'm not ready for that and I don't think she's ready for that.

We ended up at a Mexican restaurant. We were kinda dressed down but it was fine at least we were comfortable. "So thoughts so far?" He was wondering how I felt about the date so far, was he nervous or something. I'm not hard to please hell food alone would easily please me.

"Many. I'm thinking of getting a quesadilla" I thought out loud looking at the menu.

"Jules be for real." Jovian chuckled eating a chip with salsa.

I sighed putting down the menu "you right." I paused "I should get a burrito instead. But on a serious note, so far I'm enjoying myself. It's nice to be out with another adult." I only really go out with Val.

When the food came I dug in. I had a big burrito, rice and beans. It was so good "Ya know when I was pregnant, all I would eat was a burrito and spaghetti."

"Like together?"

"Yes. That's all I would eat, I would like stuff the spaghetti into the burrito. Occasionally top it off with pickles." It was weird really weird combination.

"And you ate that shit? Pickles and all?" I laughed nodding.

"Of course." I shrugged. It felt weird talking about my pregnancy. I never talked about it before but I just felt comfortable saying that. When I was pregnant I expected to make me happy and everything change. But I felt like I was trapped, and alone. Then once I gave birth I was in this really scary place.

"What's on your mind?" He studied me intently. I looked down at my fiddling hands. Like I said when I was pregnant it was one of the worst periods of my life, especially when I constantly thought about how she was conceived well when I thought she was Matt's.

"I was just thinking about when I was pregnant with Val." There a simple explanation. I picked up my lime margarita and took a sip.

"Have you ever thought of having any more kids?"

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now