Emiko stood outside the heavy wooden doors, the gun clutched tightly in her hands. She listened to the conversation happening inside, waiting for the perfect moment before bursting in, aiming the gun at Sakura.
The tall girl quickly stood up, her silver hair coming untucked from behind her ear. "Emiko? What are you doing?"
The person sitting across from Sakura followed her lead, turning around quickly.
"I'm done here. This agency never should have existed, much less be passed down to you. You shouldn't even be alive! No ability users should be! I'm here to do what I should have done years ago!" She shouted, her voice and hands shaking slightly.
"Hey..." The brunette murmured. "Are you an agency member?"
"I considered myself one, at some point. If I was now, I'd just hate myself." Emiko shot her a glare.
"Ah, I see.." the brunette nodded softly. "You're feeling scared, alone.. you don't have an ability, clearly. Listen, I've felt like that before. That's why I came here. I can help, you don't need to do anything rash." She spoke calmly, straightening her stance a bit to make herself appear taller. Unneeded, since she already had a few inches on Emiko.
"Yes I do! This agency can't continue to exist, and the best way to kill a snake is to cut off the head." She stated, putting a finger on the trigger. "Sakura, my oldest friend, my worst enemy, it's time for you to die."
Hibiki quickly stepped in front of the gun. "No, wait. We can still talk about this, there's no need to hurt anyone. Put the gun down, please."
"Why the hell would I throw away my shot! Even if I don't kill her, I'll still go to jail. The law doesn't care about people."
"Okay, I get how you're feeling. But I promise you, if you put the gun down and leave, I'll do everything I can to make sure your punishment is minimized. Just go, you don't need to do it." She stated, somehow still calm. "I can relate to your fears. You will be okay if you just leave now."
"Fuck you." Emiko moved her aside, re-aiming the gun at the silver girl, who stood there silently.
The brunette girl grabbed the gun, holding it back, away from Emiko. "I owe too much to Sakura and her agency, I'm not going to let you hurt either." She promised. "I'm sorry that I can't help you." She put the gun down, grabbing her arm and pushing her against a wall.
"Ow, shit." Emiko mumbled under her breath, grateful that she didn't hear a crack.
"Interesting, yet effective. Good at acting quickly." Sakura muttered, breaking the illusion. "Well, I'm glad to say you've passed. Welcome to the agency." She smiled at Hibiki, who looked shocked.
"Wait... was that the entrance exam?"

Those Dogs Are Barking (and Having Kids) BSD second gen au
FanfictionA BSD second gen au lol