Chapter 30 - Akshara - Deja Vu

Start from the beginning

Why? Why was this man so damned near perfect?

I took out a fresh pair of clothes and walked towards the enclosed bathroom, my head still pounding to the sound of a few dozen horses racing to the finish line.

I quickly jumped into the shower and came out looking a bit fresh, but still trying to fight off the nausea from last nights hangover. Taking 5 shots in a matter of a few minutes was not a wise idea. Would not recommend.

After getting dressed, I strolled into the kitchen and did as Abhimanyu said. Warmed up the meal in the microwave, poured me a cup of coffee, added in the French vanilla creamer and made myself some toast.


Practically, I should have gone to see Abhimanyu first and update him regarding my sessions but a part of me was still not ready to see his face. Soberly that is.

So when I went to knock on his cabin and found him to be absent, a part of me was relieved. He did say he had a busy day scheduled ahead.

Maybe I'll see him after my therapy session.

2 hours went by and it was around 3pm that I went to knock on his door again after my therapy session was completed. But still, no answer. I opened his door and peeked in to see the office was empty.


Maybe he was on rounds with the interns.

Deciding to not disturb him, and also because I myself needed some more alone time, I decided to go home.

As the elevator hit the ground floor lobby, I stepped out only to see Abhimanyu, Vikram, the hospital's managing director Dr. Anand Birla and the CEO Harshvardhan Birla step into another employee only elevator.

My eyes immediately noticed a little inflamed bruise on Abhimanyu's knuckles along with the bandaid on Vikram's nose along with a deep cut on his upper lip.

What on Earth had happened?!

Had Abhimanyu and Vikram gotten into a fight? Was Abhimanyu in trouble?!

Lost in thought, I ended up bumping into Nurse Kavya who was walking towards the employee elevators carrying a mountain of files.

"Oops! Watch it!" She exclaimed, trying to balance the pile of files in her hands.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I apologize! I didn't see where I was going." I held out my hand to steady the shaky files.

"Akshara? It's good to see you come back."

"Thanks." I responded, shyly, my brain still preoccupied by the scene of the four men on the elevator.

"What happened? You seem distracted."

"Did something happen between Vikram and Abhimanyu?" I asked, turning back to look at Kavya.

"You don't you?" She replied softly, furrowing her brows.

I shook my head. "No."

"Dr. Abhimanyu punched Vikram Sir. I saw you running out of the hospital very upset so I thought Vikram Sir misbehaved with you again. And I ended up telling Dr. Abhimanyu. And he then punched Vikram Sir, in the face, openly. In front of everyone."

My heart skipped a beat knowing that Abhimanyu Birla punched a man for me. Me!

"It's the first time I've seen Dr. Abhimanyu so angry. He didn't even hit Vikram when he found out Shanaya and Vikram were having an affair. But he hit him for you. He must really love you."

I lowered my lashes, trying to process the information from Nurse Kavya.

Abhimanyu hit someone.

For me.

He's never done that before.

He cared for me.

And that one punch might land him in trouble.

"Is that why Dr. Birla and Mr. Birla are dealing with the both of them?"

"Yes. Vikram Sir filed a complaint with Human Resources and because it happened in friend of everyone, interns, patients, the Board is thinking of getting involved too. Dr. Abhimanyu may have to face dire consequences in case Vikram Sir and be can't come to a middle ground."

No. No. No.

I couldn't let this happen.

Mindlessly, I began shifting towards the elevator to follow after the 4 men but was stopped by Kavya.

"Don't. Let Dr. Abhimanyu handle it for today. They won't make a decision without consulting with the board."

I turned back to look at Kavya again, nodding my head. "Okay."

"I know it's not my spot to say anything because it's your relationship and you guys know better, but Dr. Abhimanyu is really a nice guy. He does care for you, even if he's not able to show he does. But he does. I don't know what happened between you two, but please don't turn your back on him. Please."

I nodded my head silently, returning Kavya's pleas with a soft smile.

Kavya was asking me in no certain words to not give up on Abhimanyu. To not leave him alone.

To not abandon him.

And I wasn't.

I wouldn't have anyway.

But just seeing how much he had done for me, only made my resolve stronger.

To stick by him.

Through the thick and the thin.


Hope y'all liked this update! Please lemme know what you think!

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