Lincoln: "Fuckin hell."

Daniel: "Remind you of anyone in particular LT?" He asks in a slight chuckle.

Lincoln: "Unfortunately." He replies thinking of the kids from his son's school as they walk back to the group.

Ebenezer: "Well this was a waste of fuckin time." He says leaning against the gate doorway.

Owen: "You don't need to bitch about it Attias, it's obvious." He replies in annoyance as Ebenezer scoffs looking away.

Benjamin and Ivelisse are walking towards the group.

Benjamin: "They might not be here specifically, but it doesn't mean they're out of country." He suggests as the others recognize this possibility.

Owen: "I'll call some of my CIA contacts and have them investigate the country... Lawson this is Copeland, our target was a no go, waiting for extraction."

Helena: "Solid copy, I'm on my way." She replies as everyone begins waiting around for their extraction.


Meanwhile in Italy, Serena is in a bar waiting to meet with one of her Italian counterparts. She's enjoying the drink she paid for while Gabrielle hasn't touched hers at all.

Serena: "Not much of a drinker I'm guessing?"

Gabrielle: "It clouds the mind Winchester." She replies as Serena knows she isn't wrong by any means.

Serena takes a light sip of her drink but sees her counterpart enter the bar. He is of average height sporting black medium length hair and a mustache with a slight stubble.

Serena: "Vince Moretti." She greets.

Vince: "Ah Serena, nice to have you in Italy again." He says giving a gentle hug to her as she returns it. "But tell me beautiful, what brings you here?"

Serena: "Suspicion of the Black Dogs being based somewhere in Italy, you've done your homework yes?"

Vince: "What little there was but yes, me and many others are looking into many nationalist, we'll catch one soon enough."

Gabrielle: "But have you learned of possible attacks here?" She chimes in impatiently.

Vince: "We're learning of possible attacks everyday ma'am, just a manner of making the right connection." He retorts.

Serena: "But does anyone on your list match up with how the Black Dogs operate?" She asks raising her brow which Vince finds cute.

Vince: "Some, I'll give you and your friend here a few files."

Serena: "Thanks love." She says with a gentle smile.

Vince: "Anything for you beautiful." He replies taking his leave with Gabrielle and Serena returning to their vehicle once the files are given to them.

The two look through the files separately but Serena sees Gabrielle occasionally looking at her.

Serena: "What?"

Gabrielle: "You and mustache guy slept together once." She bluntly replies as Serena looks at her blankly.

Serena: "Yeah and?" She asks with no shame whatsoever.

Gabrielle: "Just surprising knowing your reputation."

Serena drops the file onto her lap hearing this.

Serena: "I gotta live a little bit, I don't have many good things in my life." Returning to looking through the file.

Gabrielle continues looking through the file till she finds something of interest. She lightly hits Serena's shoulder getting her attention.

Gabrielle: "Hear this, Enzo Esposito, formerly part of the 9th Paratroopers Assault Regiment, discharged for extreme and unacceptable behavior... Suspected to be part of a ultra nationalist group."

Serena and Gabrielle look at each other momentarily.

Serena: "Definitely someone the Black Dogs would be interested, I'll call it in."


Meanwhile Helena is flying the chopper carrying the team as they're on their way back to base. She looks at a variety of family photos attached to the front of her controls. One of these photos however has a face crossed out as she sighs seeing this.

John: "Helena you copy?"

Helena: "Loud and clear sir, I'm on my way back to base with the team."

John: "Negative on that, I need you to turn around and fly to Italy, Winchester and Ohayon got valuable Intel." He says as Helena acknowledges this and turns the helicopter around.

Helena patches John into the chopper's com so he can announce this to the team. The team look amongst themselves afterwards.

Daniel: "Italy huh? Neat."

Owen: "Ha, you got a thing for Italian girls don't you?" He asks rhetorically as Lincoln snorts hearing this knowing the answer to that.

Daniel: "I... No." He says sounding confused.

Owen: "Why else would you find Italy neat?"

Daniel: "Oh you know, the beautiful environment, the food, normal things normal people can enjoy... Yankee." He replies as Owen gives a resting bitch face stare.

Owen: "I'm from Montana you tea loving fuck." He retorts jokingly as Daniel glares somewhat.

Hideo (Japanese): "Kill. Me. Now." He says in annoyance with Ebenezer and Benjamin looking over.

Eben & Ben: "What?"

Helena shakes her head having heard all of this wishing Erik were here to keep things entertaining.

F.I.S.T. Foreign Intelligence Strike Team Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora