ill always catch you

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I cuddled into Derek as the wind hit my back. When we came to a stop Derek put me down. My legs wabbled as I struggled to regain my balance. Derek put his hand on the small of my back to stedy me. "You okay?" Derek asked almost looking concerned. "Ya...ya I'm okay just a little whiplash,"I said staring into Derek's eyes. Something about his eyes enticed me. "Thanks for catching me," I said stepping back. "Just don't make it an everyday thing,"Derek said adjusting his leather jacket. I nodded and handed him the book. "I'll see you later Derek," I said smiling kissing his cheek. I turned climbed into my car and headed off.
When I got home my mom was gone but stiles jeep was in the drive. I pulled off to the side of the rode that way he could get out.
"Did you get it?"Stiles asked as I shut the door. "Ya Derek has it," I said brushing past them and racing up the stairs. Quickly I snapped my fingers and was wearing a pair of black leggings and a black tank top. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and headed down stairs. Scott and Stiles were resting on the couch. 'I'm gonna go pick up some dinner you guys wanna come?" I asked. They nodded and I tossed Stiles the key. "I'm driving?" He asked excitedly. I nodded,"don't make me regret this." Stiles cheered and climbed into the drivers seat and I climbed into the back letting Scott take the passanger side.
After dinner we decided to head home. Stiles leaves and I head up to my room. "Night Scott I love you!" I yell before closing my door. Slowly I make my way over to where my grimour is hidden and pull it out. There's nothing in the beastairy that wouldn't be here. I plug my phone into the auxelery port on my radio and play someone somewhere by asking Alexandria.
By the time I finished reading it was almost 2am so I decided to call it a night. Just as I laid down I heard my phone go off. Groaning I rolled over and looked at it. Hey its Derek. Confused I replied back. Hey. I waited a few minutes but no reply came so I laid back down and was out like a light.

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