the first way to die

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⚠️this part involves self harm and suicidal baiting along with attempts. Don't read if triggered and I will write a summary of this part not involving any of these in the next part!⚠️

Sero's POV:

I decided to walk and check up on Izuku with food in my hands after hearing what happened Friday in the classroom. When I got close to his door I smelt smoke and weed. My eyes widen and I try to open the door but it was locked. "What the fuck.... Midoria open the door!!" I yelled. I stopped after I heard footsteps coming towards the door and the click of the lock. He opened the door slightly and I instantly felt horrible after seeing the once happy green bean turn into a green bean with dull eyes and no smile. His eyes were red from the weed I smelled when he opened the door. "Go away...." The boy said looking away and going to close the door. I stopped the door from closing and came in closing and locking the door behind me. I sat the food down on the end table and walked to the window opening it. "What the hell get out!" The boy yelled at me but I ignored him. "No you need to eat. Where is the weed. And I smell alcohol In your breath." The boy shook his head no and sat down on his bed. I signed and looked at him then sat next to him. "I heard what happened between you and the others...." Midoria groaned and laid down. "What are you here to yell at me and tell me what to do now?" He asked with tears in the corner of his eyes. "No I'm here do make sure your okay. You haven't eaten in a while and you need to eat to live." I said getting up and grabbing the food putting it on his lap. He rose up and look at the food and then me. "I'm too high for this.." he said then sat the food on the floor and covered himself with a blanket. I decided to sit next to him and lean on the head bored to make sure he doesn't smoke or drink again. Soon we both fell asleep. I woke up next to Midoria on the bed and I heard a knock on the door along with yelling. "DEKU! Open the door we need to talk!!" A familiar voice yelled as he banged on the door. I looked at Midoria who was sound asleep. I groaned then got up and opened the door. When I did I saw Bakugou looking at me in confusion. "What do you want Bakugou?" I could tell he heard the anger and tiredness in his voice because the look he gave me. "What are you doing here?" He asked annoyed and confused along with angry. " Just leave." I said glaring at him. "Not until that little bitch kills himself. I will make his life a living hell if I have too.!" He said then walked away. I got angry but I knew I couldn't do anything bc of Midoria.

Nobody's POV:

What Sero didn't know was that Izuku was awake the time Bakugou said those things. He didn't cry or feel anything but hatred. But not for Bakugou for himself. He closed his eyes when he heard the footsteps of the male that slept over last night. Sero shook him and told him to wake up. When he did Izuku pretended he just woke up by yawning and looking at him. "Wake up you need to eat now that you not high." Izuku looked at him then looked away "whatever I will just leave me alone right now..." Sero sighed and agreed then left. When he did Izuku went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. This time he saw a very pale red stained eyes and dark bags under his eyes. He didn't care. Instead of just changing he went to grab clothes and took a shower. After his shower he sat on his desk and took out a shaver and broke it to take the blade out. When he did he cut himself deep 3 times. He watched as the blood poured out of his wrist. He felt relieved after feeling the sting and burn from the cuts.

misunderstanding (SeroDekuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon