Moxxie: It's kind of impressive how many shots Loona can take.

Y/N: What's her record?

Loona: Around 24.

I Think I might be able to beat that.

Loona: Is that a challenge?

Y/N: Maybe It Is, Maybe It Isn't.

Moxxie: This should be good.

Millie: That's going to be one Helluva match.

Y/N: Yeah.

Loona: No one has ever come close to beating me. Do you think that you'll stand a chance?

Y/N: That's going to change really soon.

Our food shortly arrived, and everyone began to chow down on their food.

Loona: So how's your steak, Y/N?

Y/N: It's been a while since I've had a steak this good.

Loona: I had a feeling you'd like It.

*Time skip*


We all ate our food and decided it was time. We all headed back to the office while Loona and I sat across from each other, staring right into each other's eyes. I could tell she was ready for this intense drink.

Loona: Are you ready for this?

Y/N: I was born ready.

Moxxie came around the corner with several drinks, while Millie grabbed some shot glasses and Blitz got his camera.

Moxxie: So just to be clear, each of you will be given one shot at a time, and a winner is chosen when one of you passes out. Are you guys ready?

Loona: Yeah.

Y/N: You bet your ass I am.

Moxxie: Alright, begin.

Millie hands us a shot glass full of vodka. We both took a swing and continued fast forward, like no joke, for a good 15 minutes or so, and both Loona and I couldn't talk at this point; it was just hiccups and nonsense at this point. I knew that she wasn't able to take much more, and neither was I, and I think she knew that. God, I'm so shitfaced right now.

Loona: I'm *hic* going to beat you *hic.

Y/N: Oh yeah, *hic* I don't think you could *hic* beat me in your sleep.

Loona: *hic* I'm so going to win this.

Y/N: *hic* In your dreams.

Millie: Guys I think we might need to call it off; they're both going to have aggressive hangovers tomorrow.

Blitzø: Nothing new for Loona.

Moxxie: What about Y/N?

Biltzø: I have no Idea.

The next thing I know, both Loona and I have blacked out completely and started sleeping.

Millie: So who won?

Moxxie: We're going to have to check the footage.

Millie:Well, pull it up.

Blitzø: It looks like It was a draw.

Moxxie: So what do we do now?

Blitzø: Well, I'm going to take Loona home. You guys think you can get Y/N on the couch, okay?

Millie: I'll try.

I think she tried to pick me up, but since I was drunk out of my mind, I had no fucking idea.

Lex's pov

They all sat there for a good amount of time trying to lift him, and since it was already late, I decided to report back to base.

???: So where are they?

Government Spy: They were having a drinking contest, and both of the hellhounds are going to have hangovers.

??? : Perfect, so we'll strike tomorrow, yes.

Lex: Yes, sir, everything will be ready by then.

???: Good.

??? pov

I sat there at my desk, knowing that these freaks were going to be dealt with in an appropriate manner, especially the hellhounds. Both of them need to die. Y/N must die first. I'm sorry, but your father died in your hands, and so will you, my grandson.

[Helluva boss] When Hells Fire Burns Bright जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें