"Good boy" Cat Noir winked and walks up to the artifact made of gold and he can sense the goddess magic in it. It was definitely the artifact made by the goddess Maat.

"Purrfect" He picks it up. It was gold but his leather gloves protected his hands.

"Okay Plagg, let's go," Cat Noir said.

"Hello, kitty cat. I see you like gold but gold hates cats like you" Lila walks into the exhibit.

"Lila!" Cat Noir scowled.

"I did say I would get revenge for scratching my ass off. It wasn't very nice" Lila said.

"Doesn't matter. My suit protects me from gold" Cat Noir said.

"We shall see for how long" Lila took her staff out.

"It won't be that long" Kagami tackled Lila down.

"Ah, good timing, Ryuko" Cat Noir smiled.

"Like a wind dragon, kitty cat. Remember me, witch?" Kagami reminds her.

"You? Yes, you're Ryuko the dragon samurai" Lila said.

"Hai. And you're gonna pay for those crimes" Kagami said.

"See ya, liar who cried cat" Cat Noir laughed and left the Lourve with his cat.

"I'll handle her, Noir" Kagami drew her sword.

"Just no killing this time. Blood on the hands is too ugly" Cat Noir said while leaving.

"Got it" Kagami nodded.


A while later, Kagami won and she let Lila live since she kept her word for the kitty. Cat Noir, however, was at his lair eating fish to feed for himself while Plagg had Camembert.

"Mission accomplished, buddy," He said to his feline friend.

"Meow" Plagg let out a meow belch.

"Good Kitty" Cat Noir chuckled and goes to the bathroom to have a nice hot bath. He turns the water on and filled with bubbles to have a scented bath.

He got undressed and got in, "Haaaaah..... yeah" Adrien closed his eyes as he relaxed.

Purring in happiness to feel the warm water soothing his sore body, "I really needed that" He said to himself and his tail swished up and down in the water.

Suddenly, his moment was interrupted, "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed when he saw Marinette.

"Whoops! Sorry, Kitty!" Marinette gasps.

Luckily, he was mostly covered by the bubbles, "Uh......care to join me?" He said without thinking due to being freaked out.

"Ummmm......I think not" Marinette blushed.

"Sorry. My heart attack went in my throat" Adrien said.

"I understand. I should've knocked" Marinette backed to the door.

"How ironic, just like I walked in on you while you wore a bra," Adrien said.

Marinette chuckled a little but decides to accept that, "Yeah. But it seems like I didn't walk in to see you properly naked"

"You're too funny, Princess" Adrien replied.

Soon enough Marinette joined him in the tub. The feline blushed that she decided to join in but at the same time he felt happy.

"Well, you'll get used to seeing girls like this" Marinette blushed too.

"It's not that. This reminds me of the time I faced my problem with water. Mom helped me face my fear of water by taking a bath" Adrien explained.

"I see" Marinette replied.

"But I realized that being half-human, I felt no fear like a cat," Adrien said.

"That's great, Kitty" Marinette replied.

"Yeah" He moved close to her, "I got the artifact and it's made of pure gold. I can't touch it with my bare hands"

"But I can," Marinette said.

"So, you decided to use Ladybug colored bikini?" He noticed.

"Yeah, not quite ready to show everything," She said.

"Well, um, thanks," Adrien said.

"Now that we got what we need, this plan might work," Marinette said.

"One thing difficult is how to show Paris who we really are," Adrien said.

"That's easy. I can place a hidden camera and it will broadcast on TV" Marinette said.

"Well, let's do it later, Bugaboo" Adrien kissed her cheek.

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