Chapter 9- preparing for battle-

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(Head-cannon: Ghost is touch starved, so he likes hugs and being touched, but only in private, he also has insomnia and mainly only sleeps when soap sleeps)

It was the morning and Soap woke up, with arms wrapped around him, it was Ghost,
Ghost had put his mask back on last night before sleeping, soap tried to get up but Ghost tightened his grip around soaps waist. "Ghost, I got to go", "before anyone sees us" said soap, "they won't..", "they don't come in my room.." said Ghost In a sleepy deep voice, soap tried to get up again but then got pulled back by Ghost
Hugging him.

Once Ghost finally got up he let soap go, and got out of bed and went into his bathroom, soap got up out of ghosts bed and got dressed, after he got dressed soap left Ghosts room without being seen by anyone, soap had forgotten that he had two big hickeys on his neck from the night before, Ghost got dressed and left his room and walked over to the loading dock, "morning Simon" said price, "price" said Ghost, Ghost walked past him to the armoury, soap walked to the loading dock, and started to look at the map that is on the table, price walked over to soap, "soap" said price, "yes sir" said soap, "you weren't in your room this morning, where were you" asked price, "I was training sir" lied soap, while  stretching his neck, which visibly shows his hickeys off, "okay," said price, "what is that on your neck?" Asked price, as price asked that Ghost walked out of the armoury.

"So, soap you gonna tell me what is on your neck" asked price, "I don't know sir", "maybe it's just bruises" lied soap, "anyway sir we should get ready we have a battle to prepare for" said soap, "Johnny, you haven't recovered fully yet" said Ghost walking over to soap on the other side of him, "that is true" said price, "I don't care Graves needs to die" said soap, "alright", "team get ready, meet at the briefing table" said price.

Soap and Ghost walked away to the medical bay, "Johnny sit down" said Ghost pointing at the medical bed, soap sat down on the bed, "you need to change you bandages" said Ghost, "so take you your shirt of please" asked Ghost while walking over to him with bandages, soap took of his shirt and let Ghost change his bandages, "ah!", "that fucking hurts" yelled soap, "sorry Johnny but you have to keep changing it" said Ghost. Ghost finished putting of the bandage and soap put his shirt back on,
" come on, we need to get to the plane" said Ghost, while grabbing him and soaps guns.

Soap and ghost got to the plane and everyone was waiting for them, they got on the plane, on their was to Las Almars, or the city of souls as Alejandro would call it.

(Sorry the chapter is quite short, chapter 10 will definitely be longer hopefully)

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