EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)

Start from the beginning

After wiping his butt up and putting a new clean diaper on. I took EJ downstairs with me. Eric was making food. And Eric's family was all down in the dining room.

"Did we wake up too late?" I asked my boyfriend and baby daddy.

"No. I just think they all woke up early" Eric said, making food for him and I.

After he made the food I started to eat. EJ was in my arms sleeping. He sleeps a lot. And that seems like a lot of babies sleep all the time.

Arthur, James, Alex, and Ben come over to us

"Hey E wanna go to the mall?" Arthur asked Eric

"I don't know guys. I should be here for Carley and EJ" He said

"Go Eric" I said smiling at him

"Are you sure?" He asked looking at me

"Yes. And besides Ellie is here so is Michelle. I can ask them for help if needed" I said.

"Alright....if you are 100 percent sure?" He asked me

"Yes, go have fun" I said, touching his hand very quickly. Like it looked like I was the flash.

"Alright. I love you" He said pecking my lips at the end.

"I love you" I said smiling at him

He took EJ out of my hands. "I'll see you soon little guy" He said and smiled at EJ

EJ just looks at him. I smile because those two are similar

(Eric's POV)

So since the guys wanted me to go to the mall with them. I just followed them. I mean I am just surprised Carley let me go, honestly. I would much rather be with EJ and Carley though.

I am currently in the car with Arthur, Alex, James and Ben. We were on our way to the mall. Once Alex got us there. He parked the car. And we all headed into the actual mall.

"So why are we here? Especially on Thanksgiving?" I asked the guys

"Well Eric. I came here to get a ring" Ben said

"A ring? For Michelle?" I asked

"Yeah. I already talked to your mom and she gave me the ok. But I need your approval too because she loves you" He said.

"My approval on what?" I asked with my arms crossed

"I want to marry Michelle, Eric" Ben said with a smile

I just stopped walking and looked at him. "You want to marry my older sister?" I asked

He turns to me and nods. "I love her Eric" He said to me

"Ok well are you gonna be there for her always. For sick and in health?" I asked

"Yes I want the good and bad with Michelle. I haven't loved anyone like I love your sister. Now I am going to ask her to marry me. Your mom said yes. But I would like for you to agree to" He said to me

I think about it. He does seem sincere about Michelle definitely more than her past hookups. The more I thought the more I think Ben is the right one for Michelle. He's a doctor so I know she will be taken care of. So I think I know what I am going to say.

"Ok Ben. I give you permission to ask my sister to marry you. However if you break her heart, I will kill you" I said

"You know even though you're younger than Michelle sometimes it seems like you're the oldest of the family" Ben said with a laugh

I smile. "Well having a kid makes you grow up pretty quickly" I said laughing

Alex, Arthur and James all walked off after Ben and I had our little conversation. Right now I got this question I have to ask Ben

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now