Untitled Part 7

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Just as he was about to respond, two females came walking into the manor. I wish I hadn't been surprised when he quickly distanced himself from me, but truthfully I wasn't. He turned his full attention towards the two. I, on the other hand, quickly walked away.

"Is that the new girl?" I heard the dark haired one ask.

"Yeah..." His voice was quiet as I felt his gaze burning into my back. "I'll introduce you. Seraphina?" He called out my name as the three of them walked towards me. I quickly wiped my face so they wouldn't see my tears then turned towards them with a polite smile on my face.

"Hi." My voice was quiet and Grayson kept looking at me, his eyes searching for something. I crossed my arms protectively over my chest snapping him out of his thoughts and whatever spell he seemed to momentarily be under.

"This is Donna." Grayson pointed towards the dark haired one. "And this is Barbara." He gestured towards the red-head who kept looking between Grayson and I. I gave a small nod and wave as a greeting. "We're throwing a party tonight."

"Okay." I stated before grabbing a bottle of water and quickly making my way back towards my room. I sighed in momentary relief before there was a gentle knock on the door. "Come in." I knew the knock had to belong to one of the girls.

Donna walked into the room and closed the door behind her. "Mind if I sit?" I shook my head at her and she took a seat at my desk. "Do you want to talk about it?" I looked at her quizzically. "I know something is going on with you and Dick. He's my best friend, we talk." I rolled my eyes and started picking at my pillow on the bed.

"There's nothing to talk about. Nothing happened and nothing will." I stated bluntly. She laughed quietly while shaking her head.

"Something did happen. You two took things in another direction." I glared at her. "Can I ask you something?" I nodded. "Are you just afraid for there to possibly be more?" My brows knit together in confusion causing her to smirk. "Let me rephrase..are you actually just afraid that you two might actually like each other? A lot." I froze, my muscles tensing slightly.

I went to open my mouth when she held up her hand, smiling. "Your hesitation told me everything that I needed to know."

The party was finally dying down when Donna knocked on my door again. "Hey, we're getting ready to leave but Dick is wasted. Can you get him to go to bed?" I nodded. "Thank you so much Sera. Nice meeting you." I sighed quietly as I climbed out of my large bed. I was already dressed in sweatpants and a white tank top to sleep in for the night. So, after making sure that everyone had left, I followed the sounds of a drunk Grayson.

He was sitting on the couch with a beer still in his hand. "Come on Grayson. Let's get you to bed." I spoke softly. He grinned up at me while I began pulling him up off of the couch. Being stronger than me, he was able to pull me down onto his lap. I sighed and went to stand up when he tightened his hold around my waist. "Grayson, let go. You need to get some sleep."

He shook his head. "I want to finish our talk." His words were blurring together some.

"No. There is no talk. You're drunk." I was growing impatient. I went to try and pry his hold open when he flipped us around so that I was pinned beneath him, my back now pressed against the couch cushions.

"There is a talk. One that we need to finish." He demanded. I glared up at him.

"Fine. Tomorrow. We can talk about anything you want tomorrow. Right now you need to sleep so you can sober up." He watched me closely and when he leaned down towards me, I quickly turned my head. He sighed in defeat then stood up, helping me up in the process.

"I do want to talk to you about us." I gave a small nod at his drunken plea.

"Whatever helps you sleep, Grayson." I watched him stumble slightly, so I helped guide him to his room.

"Hey Phee?" I looked up at him while he stood, swaying. "Why does it terrify me to lose you? I mean you're not even mine..." I rolled my eyes and helped him walk over towards his bed. He grinned and loudly whispered in my ear, "You wanna know a secret? But you can't tell anyone!" He chuckled while leaning back.

"Sure." I was growing impatient with his drunken state. He was always so serious around me other than the sarcastic side of him.

"Every Time I saw you, or you would piss me off, or annoy me..." His words were beginning to slur together as his voice got huskier.

"Get on with it Grayson." I growled, causing him to smirk.

"I would fantasize about you..." I let him fall backwards onto his bed.

"I can't take you seriously right now, Grayson. Go to fucking sleep." I demanded. He kept trying to sit up and to pull me onto the bed. I rolled my eyes at him while crossing my arms across my chest. I finally managed to get him to stay lying down, covered him with his blankets and soon after he was quietly snoring.

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