◇12. Caryna◇

475 15 47

I think the reason I'm rarely satisfied with my chapters lately is because I zone out and just start writing automatically. Like, the story goes where I want it to, but idk. Anyways I'm so head over heals for fugo i wanna write a chapter of just giving him endless love omg

I wanna kiss fugo so bad


Y/N's POV:


Something had gone wrong, as usual when it came to us.

It was always like that, stand user fighting stand users.

Currently, Trish had gotten hurt and I was helping her out. Mista and Narancia got attacked, so Bucciarati and Giorno went outside to help them. After some hesitation, Trish and I wanted to help. Once we had gotten outside, something grabbed a hold of her foot and scratched at it, until it wouldn't stop bleeding.

Giorno had run off with Mista, fighting some man named Cioccolata. Bucciarati fought with Secco, the man who ripped Trish's ankle, while Narancia held onto the turtle.

Quite honestly, I had no clue what happened to Abbacchio.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Trish asked me, placing a hand on top of my head. I sat on the floor in front of her as she was on the couch.

"What? I'm fine! You're the one who's hurt!"

"But Y/N! You're crying..." She gave my head some gentle strokes, and I took notice of the tears streaming down my face.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I think I just feel so overwhelmed. I just... I want to go home, but I don't even know where home is." I explained while putting pressure on her wound.

"Don't think of home as a place. Think of it as whatever makes you feel safe." I hated to admit it, but I knew exactly who made me safe. I heard her giggle from above me.

"What is it?"

"Your mind went straight to Fugo, didn't it?" She gave me a smile that could only bring me comfort.

"W-what? I- What makes you think that?" I looked down at my current task, refusing to look her in the eyes.

"You like him."

"I only knew him for a week..."

"So? The heart has a mind of its' own."

"I suppose... But he's not here now."

"You keep saying that, but you seem pretty determined to see him again."

"...Yeah, so?"

"So, I think you have to worry less and start looking forward to the day you see him again. Perhaps, you could even ask him out on a date?" She giggled again, and I looked back up at her.

"NO WAY! I could never do that... If he rejected me, I'd feel too embarrassed to even look at him."

"I'm pretty sure he feels the same way."

"Oh, really? How so?"

"Gut feeling."

"Gut feeling? Are you serious right now? You must have actual proof.

"How about the way he held your hand when you slept?"

"Come on, he said it himself. He just didn't want to wake me up by removing it."

"Mhm... And you believed that?"

"What? Yes, of course I did."

"What about the way he stuttered?"

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