4. The Frankel Footage

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"Some people are quick to judge when others makes mistakes, but fail to compliment them when they do something good"

"Some people are quick to judge when others makes mistakes, but fail to compliment them when they do something good"

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The next morning Five, Jane and Elliott was in the living room.

Five and Jane was looking at the photos of the others while Elliott was eating some oatmeal.

"Elliott, did you develop these photos yourself?" Five asked "Of course. Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighborhood Fotomat. Government has eyes everywhere" Elliott said "Of course they have eyes everywhere, they think that everyone is some Russian spy. Even me" Jane said "But you are a spy" Five said "Not a Russian one and I'm not one anymore" she said.

Five picked up the tape from the table "I didn't see a darkroom" he said as he turned around to look at Elliott "Yeah, I converted the hallway closet" Elliott said and pointed towards the hallway while Five picked up a black pen and scribbled out the date above the title of the tape making a squealing feedback sound as he stepped closer to Elliott who was messing with the knobs.

"Can you develop this?" he asked, showing the tape to Elliott "Hmm" Elliott said as he turned to Five before he grabbed the tape with his free hand and flipped it over, to read the back "Huh' Frankel Footage' Friends of your?" Elliott asked "Cousins on my robot mother's side" Five answered "Can you do it or not?" Jane asked, looking at Elliott "Sure I can" he answered "How long?" Five asked "Well, I mean, I'm running low on acetic acid" Elliott said as he turned around, taking some slowly steps "Beeker's Cameras is open today, but it's two miles away" he said, moving his head "I mean, I'd have to take the bus. On the other hand, Gibson's is only ten blocks away, but I gotta cut through the park, and there's pigeons--" "Elliott get to the point" Jane said, cutting him off "It's like five, maybe six hours" Elliott said.

Then a voice came over the radio "Attention all units, we hav a code 3-15 at the Holbrook Sanitarium" the man over the radio said and the three turned to the radio "The hell is a code 3-15?" Five asked "Fugitives on the run" Jane answered and the three walked over to the radio before Five turned up the volume.

"Twenty-five patients still at large. Many are considered armed and dangerous" the man said "Oh, Diego" Five whispered "Oh, who's Diego?" Elliott asked "Imagine Batman, then aim lower" Five said while he lowered his hand "Much, much lower" Jane said as the sound of radio chatter continues indistinctly was heard.

"So are we going after him?" Jane asked and Five nodded "Partners in crime on a mission, yet again" he said, looking at her "Yep, and this mission is about finding the others, stop the apocalypse and find a way to go back to 2019" she and he nodded before he looked at Elliott "You get started on the film" he said before he grabbed Jane's wrist and the two walked over to the kitchen "We'll be back as soon as we can" Five said before he blink away.


A song was softly playing over the radio as Diego and his inmate friend Lila was sitting in a car, just watching a building.

Partners in crime| F. Hargreeves (2) (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant