Entry 1: Love

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Love was always an idea that associated with being in a romantic relationship when you're young - in a sense - a confused teenager. I saw love as a way to keep yourself from being too lonely. At first, I was fine being blindly infatuated with any man that caught my attention, whether because they are physically attractive or charming.

Love became like a game with a pattern I've slowly unlocked to be repetitious.

First: You meet. Love at first sight. Be friends.

Second: You get to know each other. Flirtation. Stalk-ish mode. Ask their friends about them. A lot of recon action.

Third: Increase communication and contact. Find ways to see each other.

And when the odds are in your favor, you find the guts to ask them out. Or if you are so confident, ask them directly to be your girlfriend.

But that was my expectation after seeing my friends go through it before I did. And then, I met him.

I expected the first step. We greeted each other and talked a little, but no sparks. His indifference was obvious that I thought he was doing it for show or just wanted to be friends.

So let's cut to the chase and talk about the love part. Love, when did I fall in love with him. It wasn't in the first meeting, obviously. It was three days after graduation, which is approximately ten months after we started dating. You could tell me that I'm slow, but falling in love doesn't have a deadline.

You could say I was too late when I realize it. Maybe I wasn't. So love, what changed from my description in the first paragraph? Everything.


Will be updating another chapter tomorrow... Enjoy!

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