30 Ways to Piss Off Hermione Granger

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Hey, so sorry about the looooong wait. I've been super busy and been having problems with my computer. I'm actually doing this from my ipod. So....yeah. Oh, so I've had a couple of people suggest that I enter this in the Watty Award. How many of you think I should? And should I enter it as Fan Fiction or Humor?

Anyways, as per request, I kept the Golden Trio together. I'll get along to the many requests for other lists too. :) and now...

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30 Ways to Piss Off Hermione Granger

1) Look at her book.

2) Touch her book.

3) Smell, taste, or eat her book.

4) Put glue, gum, or any sort of sticky substance in her hair.

5) Tease her hair until it's five times more massive than normal.

6) Whine about how much you hate books and learning.

7) Ask her to do your homework everyday.

8) Fall asleep in class. Snore loudly.

9) Dress up as McGonagall and hide in her closet. In the middle of the night, wake her up and tell her that she did so terrible on the O.W.L.s that they had to move her back to first year.

10) Ask her how much she paid Ron to kiss her. After all, who wants to kiss Bigfoot?

11) Then ask her if he could even see her under all that hair.

12) Get her a troll for her birthday and lock them in a room together.

13) Invite Umbridge along.

14) Get Snape to talk to her about how much he hates her. Make sure he knows to run afterwards.

15) Set off a dungbomb in her room.

16) Call her a mud- *cowers under her glare* On second thought...that might be inviting death...

17) Everytime you see her, yell out, "Wingardium LeviOOOsa!"

18) Or you can yell, "Redikkulus!"

19) Wake her up in the middle of the night and tell her that she'd been sleeping since yesterday morning, and that she'd missed all of today's classes.

20) Ask her to do your Potions homework. When she informs you that you had no homework, innocently say, "Yeah, we did. You didn't do the essay? It was supposed to be sixteen inches, minimum."

21) Sign her up for Divinations.

22) Dress up as Gilderoy Lockhart and ask her to meet you in Hogsmeade, then stand her up.

23) Bring contraband items into the Gryffindor tower.

24) Set them all off.

25) Stick hair dye in her shampoo. Preferably a color that is either very attention-grabbing or utterly omigosh-my-eyes-they-burn-from-horror-at-the-ugliness.

26) Use the Teeth Engorging Charm on her.

27) Use any Unforgiveable in front of her.

28) Break the rules.

29) In front of every door in the castle, put a sign that says, "You must be taller than this line (or a Pureblood) to enter this room." Then keep sending her to go retrieve your book from your classes, because you're too busy being a nerd-erm, doing your homework.

30) Ask her to relay a message to your friend. Repeat as many times as it takes her to get annoyed. Then apologize and tell her that you were just trying to save money - she was cheaper than the last owl.

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So...Watty Awards or no? Category? Also, if I do enter it, then that means that all of you, yes, even you lurkers, need to vote, like, fan, tweet and comment! :) okay, maybe you don't need to fan...but it'd make me a very happy person. :)

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