Chapter 4

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This is just a chapter so like make something this week. So this is just me writing whatever I want


I walked towards the forest to read. It was one of these days when I needed to be alone. I had a horrible nightmare, I couldn't sleep at all.
And of course, it was about something that might actually happen.

It was about Ray, we were running away from the demons who were chasing us. Only me, Emma, Norman, and Ray had escaped.
While running, we could see the end of the forest, "Hey, we're soon out of the forest!" Emma said, loudly enough for all to hear.
Then I heard something crack behind me, I looked back, instantly regretting it.
Ray got eaten by the demon.

And that's when I woke up, about an hour after I went to sleep, and after that, I didn't get any sleep, so I decided to go to the library like I always do when I can't sleep

The tree I usually sit at in the forest isn't that far in, but it's really tall and it's filled with branches and leaves. And I always climb up and sit at the biggest branch there.
After a half hour of reading, I fell asleep.

𝟹𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝙾𝚅

There were some children playing around with something they made with paper. And when y/n fell asleep, she dropped the book, which was right by where they were playing.
Sherry thought it was a ghost and ran over to Yvette.

"It's just Y/n, see. She's sitting up there!" Acilia said, "It looks like she's gonna fall..." Yvette contained, "Let's get Ray! He probably wants to get her down from there!" Said, Sherry

"Rayyy!" Sherry came running toward Ray, "What's up Sherry? Oh, and hi to you too Alica and Yvette." He gave them a small smile, "Y/n's sleeping in a tree, and it looks like she's gonna fall down soon!" Sherry said worried, "And we can't really catch her if she falls..." Yvette hugged ray. "I'll get her down, don't worry." He patted their head, "Now where is she?"

The little girls and the boy ran to the forest, hoping that Y/n hadn't already fallen down. Luckily, she hadn't. 
"Ah, so this is where she is." Ray walked toward the tree and looked up, "Yeah, she dropped her book, so that's how we found her." Alica clung onto Ray's foot. "Don't worry, I'll get her down safely," Ray patted her head.

"Why'd you gotta be so high- up.." He said quietly to himself. "How are you gonna get her down, Ray?" Alica asked, "I'll pick her up, of course, it's not that far from the ground so I can probably just jump down when I've got her."

When he came up to her, he picked her up bridal style. Ray stood there for a little bit, just looking at her. "Ray! Mom calling for us!" Sherry looked up at them, "You three can go first, I'll be coming soon, just need to get Y/n down!" Ray said, "Alright!" The three girls said in unison

"Geez, you didn't get any sleep tonight?" Ray said while taking Y/n in his arms. "Well, if you did get sleep, you probably wouldn't be here..." He got down from the tree with Y/n. "You're cute," Ray said, smiling at Y/n.

"Ray! Y/n!" Some kids said. They came running to Ray, who had Y/n in his arms. "Why are you carrying Y/n?" Mark asked, "She just fell asleep in a tree, so I needed to get her down in a way without waking her up." Ray continued walking.
"I'll go take Y/n to her room." He told Isabella, "Alright."

"Let me down." Someone said Ray knew who it was of course. "Good morning to you too princess." He teased. "I'm not a princess, I'm far from one." Y/n looked away in embarrassment, "Well to me you are one." He continued teasing, "Why are you doing this?..." Y/n asks, "Well... Because I care about you..." Ray answered.

They finally reached the door to Y/n's room. "Do you want some alone time?" Ray placed Y/n gently on her bed, "No... Could you stay?" Y/n tugged on Ray's sleeve, "Of course.." He gave her a small smile.

"Do you wanna read something?" Ray asks, "Yeah sure." she nods. "Which book? Do you want to continue on No Longer Human?" He walked to her desk, "Could we maybe read.. In Another Life?" Y/n asked him shyly, "Sure thing"

"This one?" Ray grabbed a book, "Yeah." 
"Make space for me here then," He scooted Y/n a bit to the side, so he could lay in the bed too. Once he got comfortable in her bed, he pulled her closer to him. "And how many times have you read this one?" Ray sighed, "About 3 times." Y/n looked up at him, proud. "And how many times did you cry?" He asked again, "Too many times.." She looked down again

"Let's just read it." Ray chuckled at her. "Asshole..." Y/n murmured to herself, "What was that?" Ray smirked, "You're an asshole, you know that?!" Y/n hissed back at him, "Yeah, you tell me that every day." He said back.

Short chapter ik, but I have no idea what to write- Next chapter will probably be a normal one
But I have a question, do you guys want one of them to confess early in the book, or later in the book? Cuz I have no idea-

Anywaysssssss, I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even tho its cringe-) and make you eat, drink and sleep enough
Love you all!<333

(911 words)

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