Bob broke x3

256 9 13

T/W: mentions of kidnapping and explosions, some chunky paragraphs and dyslexia text(glitched text)

POV: Grian 

I come out in a grassy field, although its more like a large clearing, filled with tall grass, flowers, and general greenery. Surrounding said clearing is a lush forest, filled to the brim with wildlife.

As I finish taking it in, the others finally stand up, as they aren't used to jumping through portals at high speed in a panic while running from Watchers. Actually, now that I think about it, that's probably a good thing. Besides, it's funny seeing their faces when I come through at a full sprint and don't even stumble, while even Xisuma has to take a moment.

Just as I finish that thought, I'm struck with a pang of sadness as I think of how clumsy Scar and Mumbo are, and how I've abandoned Mumbo again, intentionally or not, I've abandoned him twice.

I shake these thoughts off, reminding myself that i can't dwell on that right now. After all, the author is trying to balance my badassness AND trying to figure out which hermit goes with which dimension. No seriously, its causing them a headache. Ok, they figured it out.

By now, everyone has found their footing, and is instead taking in our surroundings. Suddenly, when you thought that there could be no more surprises, a bush rustles.

"What was that..?" Bdubs asks, nervous. Pulling out my swords, i edge towards the aforementioned bush, moving quieter than a ghost in a graveyard. But just as i'm about to reveal what's in the bush, another one rustles across the clearing.

I whirl around, but just as Xisuma reaches the bush, a third one rustles, and so on. Finally, Xanthus manages to use his magic to capture one of the creatures, as, at this point, we had determined that there were multiple of them.

Encased in an indigo sphere, the creature stands, holding its hands in surrender, revealing itself to be a human. With pointy ears and a magical aura, glowing faintly green in my vision.

"Who are you?" i ask, not unkindly, but in a 'answer me now' voice. The creature stands up, revealing itself to be about 5'8. "My name is Sage, and i'm an Elf. Got a problem with that?" i shake my head, as do the others.

"Xan, let them go." Xan does so, and the Elf lowers their hands. "Now it's my turn to ask questions." they say, crossing their arms. "What do you want to know?" Xisuma asks.

"Why are you here and who are you?" they ask without missing a beat. "Well, neither of those questions are particularly easy to answer..." Xisuma says. "So?" Sage questions. "Give me the short version."

"So, ya' know that myth about the Birth Brothers? And how they formed the dimentiverse? Well, turns out it's not a myth, and the prophecy at the end is real, and we are the Hermit Clan." i say, motioning to the others.

Sage looks skeptical, squinting their eyes and mouthing something under their breath. Finally, they look up at us and say, "there are supposed to be 26 of you. I count 21."

"Um, there were- wait, the author can't math- oh, their brain just broke- now they're frantically trying to fix this plot hole- no, they're trying to determine if it is a plot hole- one moment."

T̶̳͖͙̹̣͎̪̭̐̀͑̑͐̍̆̃̈́ͅe̷̫͇̫̔͐̀̀̌̌̒͗̽͠ć̷̛̦̰͙̣̪͇̼͇̇̓̀̾̀͝͝ͅͅḧ̶͕͍̺́̀̒̏̏̕n̸̮̲̭͓͌͘į̷͇̠̪͇͖̥͍͌͆̃͒̚͠c̷̗̩̣͉̜̉̌̀́̀ȁ̶̡̡̮̙͈̯̭̳̫̰̲̱̯̪̫͘͝l̵͓̫̪̮̬͔̠̝̤̻̂͐͂̽͛̾͑̆͊̾̈́̓̐ ̶͔̯͖̞͇̦̣̮̘͎̑̔̂̚͠d̸̦͓͍̯̬͓̭͓̉͜i̸̡̧͍̦̩͙͓̘̱̩̟͒̂̈̄͋̏̑͠ͅf̵͙̭̝̬̱̦̺̲͖̔̇͆̄̊͆̾̋͆̽̃̕͘͠͝f̸̞̥̥̙̝̜̪̥̭̜͉͉͚̊̔̈́̋̄̈͆͊̾͐̀̒͝͝ȋ̷̧̢̢̲̬̫̣̖͍͇͖̮͚̣̥̊́̂̆̈́̈͑̉͐ç̵̜̹̮̻̯͆̂̃̂̎͛̌̾̃͘͝ṵ̷̬̭̃̇͑͗̈́̄͗̔̕͠l̴͍͈̹̬̘̭̱̜̄̋̀̉̉́̑̕t̷̡̡͇̯͍͙̪̦̳̳̐͋̈́͗͐̋̂̽̾̉̓́ì̸̱̰̖̮̥̬̓̈͒̔̆̒̈́̈͝͝ȩ̵̢̢̪̘̯̠͙̫̮̠͍̠̟͉̓̈́́͋͘͝s̷̢̛̛̙̟̹̀̎̿͐̐̐͘̚͜ ̶̨̡̡̡̙͈̭̬̬̣͓̻̘͊͑̔͒͋̈́̈́͂̕͘͝͠͝ͅ

"20-something. They aren't sure, but after multiple spreadsheets, that's what the author got. Now they just have to figure out if this means there's a plot hole in the earlier chapter- yes, i know there are, but is this one of them!"

Sage gives us an incredulous look, and leads us down what appears to be just a deer path, but turns out to be the road into a city. "I'm taking you to meet our leader, Sky Tamerix. I don't know what any of you said, but it sounds above my pay grade." Sage says.

I, along with a few others, shrug, not sure what an elf's pay grade would be, or what pay grade would qualify someone for multidimensional travel and saving of the dimentiverse by teenagers. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know if anyone is qualified for that.

We walk down the streets, marveling at the greenery. Finally, we stop in front of a large building, made of mud bricks. Sage knocks on the door, and it is opened by a women of average height and weight. Her eyes are emerald green, like that of a villager from a server, and her hair is long and light brown, with green streaks. She wears a bright smile, grass stained jeans, and a blue t-shirt, and has small bags under her eyes.

Sage bows to the women, and me and the others follow suit. "Ms. Tamerix, these humans were found by the portal, apparently here on a quest. As soon as I heard why they were here I brought them to you, because I have no clue what the words coming out of their mouths meant."

Ms. Tamerix nods and opens the door further to let us in, motioning for Sage to leave. They do so, and we are left with Sky Tamerix, who is apparently some sort of authority figure here.

"So, why are you here?" She asks. (For some reason I really wanted to make them sing a song about why they're here lol)

"Well, we were going to the original End, but then we discovered that the portal was blown up in the Watcher attack so we ran to the nearest portal, which took us here. Thankfully though we needed to go here anyway, it was just supposed to be after the End. We needed to go to the End for two reasons. First, we are the hermit clan from the prophecy in the not-a-myth, and we need to find these star fragments to save the Dimentiverse from impending doom, and the fragments are located in the original End, Nether, Ather, Overworld, and the Birth Brothers' house which we still need to locate. The other reason is because a few chapters back 4 of out group were surprise adopted along with the Prime Admin Yalli who has actually been imprisoned since around the middle of chapter 22, but the readers and us only found out in chapter 35. Anyway now we need to figure out another way to the original End and get the fragment from the Overworld because we're here now anyway."

I take a deep breath after that and Xisuma finishes for me. "TLDR, we're from a prophecy and we're trying to save the world but some of us were kidnapped and then we accidently went through the wrong portal because the one we were supposed to go through blew up."

Sky Tamerix blinks a few times, before nodding and asking, "who amongst you were kidnapped?" "Tango, Mumbo, Iskall and Scar." Xanthus rattles off. "Did- did you say Scar?" A voice says from behind Tamerix. 

1134 words. Here ya' go y'all! My burnout burned out! Woooo! Les goooooo! 

Oh, also, meme lol

Edit: I can't get the picture thing to work so yea

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