Lauren felt a throbbing between her legs as she slowly opened her eyes. She was greeted by the most beautiful brown eyes looking down at her. Getting her bearings, she remembered she was at home. Not in a twin bed at the rehab facility. Slightly embarrassed that she was having an erotic dream of the woman slightly on top of her, Lauren blushed lightly.

"Good morning." Camila smiled.

"Morning..." Lauren squeaked.

The doctor noticed the basketball player's bangs were slightly damp and that her expression looked like a kid who was caught by their mother watching a porno.

"Are you okay? You seem a little shaken."

"Fine." Lauren swallowed loudly.

Camila raised an eyebrow. "What were you dreaming about?"

Lauren's eyebrows rose slightly and her blush became more evident. "Nothing."

"Really? It didn't sound like that to me."

"I was talking?" Lauren asked in mortification.

The brunette nodded with a soft smile on her face. Lauren covered her eyes with her left hand in embarrassment. "Ah, man..." She couldn't hide the humiliation on her face.

Camila grinned widely and then chuckled. She thought it was so cute when Lauren was being bashful. She removed Lauren's hand from covering her face.

"What did I say?" the basketball player groaned, afraid to hear the answer.

" wasn't exactly words. It was more like, Mmm...Ohhh..." The brunette moaned, imitating Lauren's earlier sounds.

"Oh..." Lauren replied, trying not to look into Camila's eyes.

The doctor chuckled. "Don't be so embarrassed. It's not the first time I've caught you dreaming about sex." She stated in a teasing tone.

Lauren cleared her throat and wiggled her body uncomfortably. "I wasn't..."

"Yes, you were." Camila interrupted quickly with a smile.

Lauren sighed. Her girlfriend knew her all too well.

"Okay, yes." She finally admitted.

Camila's smile slowly faded and she turned her head to the side, studying Lauren's expression.

"Were you dreaming about me?"

Lauren stared into Camila's s eyes for a moment. The brunette looked down at her with a soft gaze.

"Yes." Lauren whispered quietly. "I've had dreams about you for the past four months, every night.One came true when you let me hold you last night."

Camila softly blinked her eyes and looked at Lauren with pure compassion and love.

"I'll understand if you want to take things slow. But I really want you."

Camila shyly ducked her eyes.

"I'm not going to lie." Lauren whispered.

Camila slowly raised her eyes and looked into unsure and vulnerable emerald eyes for a moment. Without a word she shifted her body and climbed on top of the basketball player, pushing her thigh deeper between Lauren's legs. The dark haired moaned at the newly applied pressure and closed her eyes.

"I want you too." Camila's spoke softly, brushing Lauren's hair from her face. She slowly leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Lauren's neck. "You think I undressed in front of you last night for nothing?" she whispered against her girlfriend skin. "I missed you."

Stronger Than Us (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now