It Felt Like a Dream

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How can something so real
Feel so much like a dream?

It's upsetting,
Yet still special.

Those two days with you,
Are days I will never forget,
But they don't seem real.

I lay in bed,
With so many tears shed,
A broken heart,
Missing you like crazy.

I miss how
We first ran into each other arms

I miss how
You kissed me with such power

I miss how
You held my hand

I miss how
You looked at me with true love

I miss how
You would say random cute things

I just plain miss you,
And that hurts me so much.

I know it's not your fault,
I truly do,
But my heart can't tell the difference.

So many have left me,
And the one person I wish hadn't,
Was you.

But I can't hold that against you...
With 878.9 miles separating us,
There's nothing we can really do

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