Invitation and The First Meeting of Monarch

Start from the beginning

Queen Elizabeth: Yes , The meeting is done everyone can go except You Edinburgh You will be sending the message to ironblood.

Edinburgh: Yes your majesty.

Soon only Sheffield and Edinburgh are left in the meeting room.

Sheffield: Edinburgh send the message to our Kaiserin.

Edinburgh: Yes we don't want to disappoint our Kaiserin  .


Meanwhile at the ironblood base

Odin received the message and sends it to Kaiserin Elisabeth.

Kaiserin Elisabeth: An Invitation?

Prinz Einhorn: Should we accept your majesty?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Of course We have to accept.

Prinz Einhorn: Even if the Doppelganger is there ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Yes even if she is there , Besides she is probably weaker since it's been a long time since she use her siren power at Full capacity, Even so she can still contact Arbiter.

Prinz Einhorn: I'll have the fleet ready your majesty .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Very well go on .

Prinz Einhorn then goes to find Friedrich and Peter Strasser.

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Hmm it's time huh.


July 18 1967

Royal navy base

Illustrious was waiting in the docks for the ironblood monarch while the others were busy .

Soon she spots 6 Ships with Ironblood Flag and the Imperial German flag.

Illustrious was a bit shocked due to appearance of six ships due to them being Battleships with one carrier but she managed to calm down and wait for them to dock .

After a few minutes The 6 ships docked and 6 shipgirls were walking towards Illustrious.

Illustrious: Are you Kaiserin Elisabeth?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Indeed i am may i ask where are the others ?

Illustrious: Currently Busy , may i ask who are your companions?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Oh make sense , Girls please introduce yourselves.

Prinz Einhorn: I am SMS Prinz Einhorn Named after Elisabeth Right hand .

Illustrious: (Why do i feel like i know her )

SMS-Haube: I am SMS-Haube Personal guard of Elisabeth and Einhorn.

Sms Verzweifeln: I am Sms Verzweifeln personal maid of Elisabeth.

Friedrich der grobe: Did you forget about me ?

Illustrious: Oh right Friedrich and Strasser.

Peter Strasser: well it's been long time since we met .

Illustrious: Umm it's fine let me guide you to the area where we will talk.

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Well then please guide us .(Even though i know this base)

Illustrious Then guides Kaiserin Elisabeth and her escort to the open backyard with Tables and some maids already there with some shipgirls as well .

Few minutes later the talks were about to begin when KGV arrived late and her clothes are a bit torn off .

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