Chapter 1

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Swimislife4 helped me edit this and helped me with ideas. Give a huge round of applause for them!

This is a wolf AU, where they're all wolves. Maryse, Robert, and Asmodeus don't exist in this, and some of the fur colors are weird as I tried to make them match the characters.

The Angel Pack

    Alec sat on a rise and watched the sunset. The last rays of the sun made his midnight black coat glisten, making it look like the night sky. He sighed and looked back at his pack. Max was playing with some bones, his slate-grey eyes sparkling with mischief. Soon, Isabelle or her mate Simon will tell him stories to get the little cub to sleep. Jace was doing flips while Clary was drawing symbols in the dirt with her nose. One of them looked like a diamond with two scythes coming from the top. He shook his head as no one got why she drew those. He went back to the other wolves. Alec then called everyone and went to remark their territory as they had smelled intruders trying to encroach on their territory. Jace, his beta, sniffed at the tracks. "Yep, that's the Forsaken Pack. Why can't we kill them Alec?" he whined.

    "They're too powerful for us to take on. We would need to team up with another pack, and you know I don't do well with new people." Alec shot back.

    Jace sighed and continued helping Alec mark the borders. Afterward, they went to sleep, with all the wolves curling up with their mates and Alec curling up with Max. He looked over at his siblings and sighed, wishing he had a mate of his own to be with.  Unfortunately, the only pack nearby was the Forsaken Pack, so he had no chance of finding someone. Clary and Simon snuck through the Forsaken territory one at a time to reach Angel territory, and Alec couldn't leave his pack to try that.

    A week later, Isabelle found more tracks on their territory, but no one recognized the scents. They tried ignoring it, but the mystery pack kept coming. Alec became very concerned and started a patrol to watch their territory, with everyone going with their mates, all except for him. He knew that wolves wouldn't dare try and go against such a large alpha, but he was wrong.

                         Eternal Pack

    Magnus watched the other pack from a rise, waiting for the fierce female with the ebony fur and eyes and the awkward male with the chestnut brown fur and eyes to end their watch. Then, the handsome alpha with midnight-black fur and ocean-blue eyes appeared. He shook his head and told himself to concentrate instead of fawning over the alpha, even if he was hot. He then called Tessa, a wolf with chocolate-brown fur and stormy gray eyes, and asked her to help him with the alpha. 

    Tessa and Magnus padded over to Alec, and they were lucky that the wind was helping them hide their scent. They suddenly appeared in front of Alec, making him flail and fall over. Magnus laughed. He was so sure that this new alpha would be ferocious, and wasn't expecting this adorable little focus. "I'm Magnus, the leader of the Eternal Pack. We migrated from Peru to here because they banned me for life."

    "How did you get kicked out of an entire country for life? What did you do?" asked Alec incredulously.

    "He did so much that no one knows anymore," said Tessa rolling her eyes.

    "Ignore my beta. And your name is?" he trailed off.

    "A-Alec. I-I'm the l-leader of the A-Angel Pack." he stuttered. He cleared his throat. "Why have you been encroaching on our territory for the past few days? Why us?"

    "We were trying to get as far north as possible, and the love your pack has for each other is what initially drew me in." Not an extremely cute wolf he mentally added.

    "Alright, what do you want with us?" Alec added.

    "May we live with you in your territory? The members of my pack are all outcasts for being... different," he said lamely. Magnus remembered how everyone, including him, was cast out and called names like "freak", "weirdo", etc. (A/N: I'm going all "gay penguins" type story here, so no homophobic stuff.)

    "All right, but it might be a bit small for two packs," he explained.

    "Tell me the size of it then," Tessa said.

    "I can't remember when I last measured it, but a little under  2,000 kilometers. The Forsaken Pack has like 5,000 though." our jaws dropped.

    "That's 5 times the size of our old one, and from what I've seen, our pack is the same size as yours."

    "I guess that puts it in perspective. You can live with us, but don't mess with my pack." he snarled

    God, he was cute when he was protective. He would make a perfect mate, and it'd be nice for everyone else to have more family. He then knew that his mind had lost any resolve to be professional. " May I meet your pack now? I would like to see if we can handle them." he voiced.

    They walked a few miles until they reached the Eternal Pack. His first words after seeing them were "I've seen you before."

                Angel Pack

    Alec followed Magnus and Tessa in silence for a while, and the whole time he was thinking about him. He had gorgeous jet-black hair, and whenever the sun hit it, it had streaks of all colors of the rainbow and sparkled. His eyes were gold with flecks of emerald and were almost cat-like and full of mischief and joy. "We're here." Wow, even his voice was dreamy. He shook his head and looked at the wolves before him. A wolf with silver fur and eyes immediately tackled Tessa and started licking her, much to his amusement. He then saw a wolf with pitch-black fur and copper eyes. He immediately narrowed his eyes and growled "I've seen you before."

    "What do you mean? How have you seen Raphael before?" Magnus asked. Alec ignored him and snarled at Raphael, who at least had the sense to tuck his tail between his legs.

    "I saw him near my little brother Max and had to chase him out. I thought he was one of the Forsaken Pack! Explain yourself!" he snapped.

    "I was scouting out the place, and your brother caught me. I was trying to get him to forget what he saw when you chased me away. I had no bad intentions at all." he whimpered.

    "And this is why you should never go alone when scouting. Take Ragnor or Catarina next time," replied Magnus.

    Alec calmed down once he found out that Raphael was no threat. Magnus took him over to a pair of snow-white wolves. "This is Catarina," he said, pointing to the female with sky blue eyes. "and this is Ragnor. He's grumpy all the time, so ignore him." pointing to the male with forest green eyes.

    "I'm Alec, the leader of the Angel Pack over there. And I hear you're the pack that's gonna live with us. Any questions or concerns?" he asked politely.

    "I have one," said the silver male.

    "And you are?" Alec asked

    "My name is Jem. I'm Tessa's mate. Are we going to be our pack or are you going to make us join yours?"

    "Jem, I have no interest in making you do anything. How about you come to meet my pack first?" he soothed.

They walked back to the Angel Pack, only for Jace to try and tackle Magnus.

(1292 words)

- Silveny 🦄

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