Level 29 - Sun Rise and Set

Start from the beginning

We all walk into one of the homes, it seems to have a working light. So I took off my goggles.

"This home is in a surprisingly good condition." Benjamin says.

"Yeah..." Avery says.

We all explore around the home, I enter into what I guess is the guest bedroom, and what I see... Is horrifying.

I see a dead corpse just laying on the bed. He looks like he died of thirst or starvation, his body rotting afterwards.

"What the....."

I was about to faint until I left the room, when I get out of the room I see Benjamin, laying on the couch. I go up to him.

"Benjamin, I need you to see something."

He just sits there.

"Hello? Benjamin? Benji? I'm talking to you!"

He continues to just sit there.

I take a closer look at him, and he looks... Possessed. Or at least in a hypnotic state, he doesn't look himself. He just looks... Emotionless.

"Wait a minute..."

I go into the other room. I see Amani on the bed with her camera and Avery on the chair beside the bed, they were both in that hypnotic-like state. Just laying there.

"Guys? GUYS!"

They just sat there.

They were being possessed, they had to have been, there's no other explanation.

I start to hear faint voices. They keep repeating these phrases:

"You're home now."

"Don't leave us. Stay."

"Welcome home."

"You will never leave."

I cover my ears to block out the voices. Maybe these were the things that were hypnotizing or possessing everyone else? I don't know, I need to get them out of their hypnotic state. I looked around the house for anything. Thankfully, the past survivor had left a rope, a flashlight, and an empty water bottle. I took the rope and the flashlight and tied everyone up, but in order to do that. I needed to unplug my ears. I somehow managed to cut up the bottle cap and put both halves within both of my ears. I tied up everyone else, and dragged them outside.

"Guys wake up!"

"Wa- Uh IH what hapend?" Avery says.

"Yall were out cold."

"How?" Benjamin asks.

"Well, when we were exploring the house we split up to look around it faster, and when I wanted to show you something I entered the living room to see Benjamin laying on the couch, I entered the other bedroom and saw Avery on the bed, and Amani on the chair beside that bed, out cold too. What do you guys remember?"

"Well... I remember exploring the home, until I started hearing strange voices repeating the phrases "Your home now" and stuff like that, it sounded like they were trying to convince me to stay in the house, eventually I just... Passed out." Benjamin says.

"Yeah, us too." Avery says.

"How did you not get hypnotized?" Benjamin says.

"Well, I guess the voices came to me a bit later after you guys, and I was quick enough to cover my ears."

"I also noticed how you tied us up, supposedly to drag us out without uncovering your ears." Benjamin says.

"Yeah, I kinda had too."

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