Chapter one - meeting Jimin at his marriage. A

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So lets start the story

Author pov.
Taehyung wake up happily he quicky took a bath excited to meet Jimin as today is jimin's wedding with his crush Kai wang

Taehyung was eating his breakfast "suddenly his phone ring"
Taehyung pic the call. 

     Chin😍:-soulmate you are coming right.

                                   Tae💓:-yes chimmy l am coming you know appa allow me to go l am so much happy. 

Chim😍:-what???the hell are you serious l can't believe it that shit man let you come in my wedding.

     Tae 💓 :-don't say bad word chim you know l love appa so much ) .... (Thought)even knowing he hate me so much taehyung mumbled last part.

chin😍:-OK OK "l am waiting come fast.l have to show you my weeding dress" tae jimin pout" . 

Tae💓:;OK l come in half and hour chim byy love you ♡

chin😍:-Mt oo♡

after ending call suddenly his phone ring again ............

  Taehyung think that...
chim forget to tell him something but...........

When he see the I'd his hand tremble and he gulped his appa was calling him

He was so scared with trembling hand he pick the call

Tae:-h-hello appa

    Appa:-"how many time did l tell you not to call
Me appa you piece of shit "

Tae:- s-sorry ss-sir tae"said while trembling,,....

        Appa :-pack your stuff you are coming to united states now did you get that piece of shit!!!

Tae:-what???? "Shocked"  b-- but sir today is jimin's wedding alist let me attend it l promise l will come tomorrow sir plz ."tae said" with hopes but his hope gone when. "His appa said next "you are coming and that's final Mr jeon's
two man are coming to take you  

Tae:-l don't care tae said angry"he was tried from this type of life where his appa control him all the  time and wanted him to earn money for  his satisfaction .

First time tae had speak like this with his dad "

  Appa:-"OK bitch you will see now and going to regrade it my dear son ".........

Tae didn't even let his appa complete his sentence and cut the call....

***** On the other side in united states

Mr kim was  fuming in angry when.......

Mr jeon entred and  tell mrkim one things again

Mrjeon:-when is your son coming don't forget the deal Kim l have give to 3.5million for your son to  married my son.

Mr Kim:-y-yes sir he said he don't wanted to come today....."mrkim was sweating so much will saying "

Mrjeon:-what the fuck??kim didn't l give you two weeks today is Last day he don't wanted this way then l will use my way ....

Lee said loud......
Say yoongi and hoseok to come here right now "mrjeon said to his man"


Footsteps can be here and the door open and  come two hot handsome boys with longhair and handsome face.

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