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" so you telling me you threw the slime on him?"

"yeah I did he was such a jerk I could not deal with that shit"

Leah gave off an annoyed groan, while Dylan laughed

"ask her dimwit"

" so I was wondering," they both said at the same time, Leah blushed

"ladies first"

" alpha's first"

this caught Dylan by surprise, which means she knew " so you know?"

Leah nodded " yeah I did from the time I received the internship"

it has been 3 weeks since the two have been together, not in the sense of dating but rather with business and they have since grown close, you could feel the spark between them and today was just the day, they had to spend chilling laughing, and talking, it's been a while since Dylan felt this carefree not having to watch how he spoke or the way he acted, with Merissa he had to always keep up the classy persona but with Leah, it was free flow, he had looked for every excuse to be close to her and he could feel the bond intensify was this his second chance?

" look as much i want to keep things professional with us it's kind of hard to , i am sure you can feel it between us , to be honest i just went through a break up and i was so sure i was going to feel miserable for the rest of my life but after we started working together i found a different side of myself a side i lost a long time ago , the real me the happy me and you brought out that me , i have no idea if you are my second chance or not but at the same time i am tired of holding on to someone who would not have noticed me if it were not for my success i was blinded by this so called love that i did not understand the true meaning of it , i know sometimes i become snappy and i drown myself in work just so i could forget the pain i feel or felt you healed me and i did not even notice i found myself eager to come to work , i found myself prioritizing me and it's something that i have not done cause i know for a fact i always made her priority and that was my mistake cause i loved her so much i became a puppet that just slowly lost himself , but you found me , and don't think i don't know about all the times you would leave food on my desk  or cancel certain meetings cause you know how burnt out i would get , you saw me as a human being , you took care of me even though it was not your job , maybe it's too soon to say but i have fallen for you , it's not just the mate bond but also me as an individual that has fallen for you" he was tearing and for the first time Dylan was not afraid to show his emotions in front of someone other than his sister. he felt soft hands hold onto him.

" It's okay, I am here. I want this as much as you so we can take things slowly....we don't have to rush okay? I have not dated before due to the circumstances life threw at me, so I am going to trust you with my entire being okay?"

Dylan held onto his Lilly, that's what he saw her as and that was the scent that he was always hit with every time he was around her. he smiled he had gotten the courage to move on all thanks to one person.

"I want to move on but is it not too soon? what if it's just a rebound I don't want to her hurt she treats me so differently whether it's work or not, she is so fragile but at the same time I want to protect her, I did not even feel this way with Merissa yes I loved her but it was different, you know I could not be my self I had to create a fake persona just to keep up with her, but with my Lilly, it's different you know like one moment we can be serious as fuck and the next we both full of laughter and she is so good at what she does, she's not afraid to give her input" before he could continue Kirti cut him off.

" you are ready, I have not seen you this happy even when you were with that piece of trash, so take the risk cause if you don't you will never know, you know I hate regrets so please don't let your past hold you back remember the saying sometimes a person you met in a month can treat you better than a person you have known for years" with that Kirti walked away

"I wish she would take her advice"

" so is that a yes?"

Leah shyly nodded as she tried to move away but Dylan was quick enough to pull her down next to him


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