Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- Forming a Man Hunt

"This is his usual hangout," Mako mumbled, as him and Korra were on Naga, searching for Bolin

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"This is his usual hangout," Mako mumbled, as him and Korra were on Naga, searching for Bolin. Right before Mako could talk to anyone on the street, he and Korra heard two screeches and turned to see you and Pabu running up to them.
"Hey!" Korra yelped as you jumped into her arms, with her hugging you to comfort you.

"You and Pabu were the last ones with Bolin, what happened?" She demanded, with Pabu wrapping himself around Mako. You side eyed him before leaning close to Korea's ear.
"Some human named Shady Shin offered Boulder boy a lot of yuan if he did some work for him," You continued to whisper into her ear until she got enough information.

"She said he went with a guy called Shady Shin, and working with him for money. And something involving Triple Threats, Monsoons, and Agni Kai?" She explained to the other human, with a determined look.

"You got all of that from chirps and cooing?" He asked dumbfounded, cussing Korra to hesitate a little, but nodded.
"What's that about?" She asked another questioned, wanting to drift off your conversation.

"Sounds like there's a turf war brewing. And Bolin's about to get caught right in the middle of it,"


"So where're we headed?" Korra wondered as Naha raced down the empty street.
"The Triple Threat Triad's headquarters. Hopefully Bolin's there and nothing's gone down yet," Mako explained.

"The Triple Threat Triad? I beat up some of those yahoos when I got into town. Why would Bolin get tangled up with them?" Korra questioned, before Naga turned the street corner.

"We gotta hurry," And so, you all raced down the streets, stopping at an abandoned warehouse, you sniffed the air, trying to see if you could pick up the human's scent.

"Something's not right. There're usually thugs posted out front. We better be cautious," Mako whispered, sneaking around towards the door.

He motioned Korra and you to follow, before Korra simply kicked the door opened. The entire warehouse was empty, with furniture kicked around and destroyed.
"Bolin? You in here?" Mako called out, until you all heard an engine running.

Running to the back, you three saw a vehicle with four other motor vehicles. With the back door open, you saw Bolin and Shady Shin inside, tied and muffled.
"BOLIN!" Mako shouted, just as two masked figgrew threw cans, which exploded and emitted green smoke.

The smoke didn't effect you, just as Naga picked you three up and began to chase the masked humans. Korra tried to earthbend to block them, and Mako used firebending, but nothing worked.
Just as you got closer, two masked figures stopped and threw rope around Naga's legs, stopping the beast from running and crashed against the ground.

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