Chapter 1

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There's a reason why they say, 'Never judge a book by its cover. We're all very quick to judge something or someone. And Derek was someone who always thought twice before being cynical. But sometimes, he wonders whether or not to trust his guts and ignore the person that interested him the moment he saw them.

It was the day the new students settled into their dorms. Derek and Mark were walking around the hallway, hoping to see someone hot. Take someone back home if they are lucky.

Derek wasn't in the mood to pick some stranger up, but he didn't trust Mark. He tends to go overboard with the flirting without even realising it. He was what some people called a manwhore. He loved him; he was his childhood best friend, but when it came to girls, there was no way of stopping him.

They went from room to room, asking girls if they needed help packing. So far, they have had no luck. Although he was not surprised, Mark isn't the most subtle. Sure, he has game, he'll give that to him, but it only works in bars or clubs where girls expect men to come on to them strong. But today, when everyone's all sweaty from packing, the last thing they need is someone trying to get into their panties.

They spotted a blonde girl and knocked on her open door to get her attention.

"Don't mean to disturb you," Mark began to flirt with the girl, "I was wondering if you need any help with unpacking," he leaned against the door frame smirking at her.

"And this has nothing to do with the fact that I'm blonde, skinny, got boobs and happen to be a girl that can please your sexual needs," she called him out, making Derek chuckle.

"Seriously, man?" Mark turned around to Derek, disappointed.

"She's got a point, dude," Derek tried to hold back his laughter. Mark just rolled his eyes and turned back to the woman, "Well, I'd still be happy to help," he smiled at her, "Everyone else already shut the door on my face, and the news travels fast."

"Well, I could use some extra hands," she looked around the room, "Why not," she slapped her hands to her side agreeing.

"Great!" Mark clapped his hands together.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Mark Sloan!" He smiled, putting out his hand for a shake.

"Isobel Stevens, but my friends call me Izzy," she shook his hand.

Derek stopped listening after Izzy agreed, another girl catching his attention. She was short and skinny. About 5'7. Her hair was a beautiful golden-brown colour that lay perfectly on her shoulders and framed her gorgeous face just at the right angle. Her eyes were green, emerald-green from what he could decipher from behind her glasses. She wore a hoodie and a pair of sweats covering her tiny body. This is where he would've ignored her, judging her by her clothing, he would've guessed she's an introvert with very little personality. She looked scared and alone. There was no one with her. Derek felt a bit sorry for her. She looked around, trying not to drop the big box in her hand as she looked around the hallway helplessly, looking for her room. He was tempted to go up to her and help her out. He took one last glance at Mark and Izzy and went over to the mystery girl to help.

"Hey!" He came up to her smiling. She jumped at his sudden presence and gave him a light smile, "Hi," she said, tucking away some hair that fell into her face. Derek stood there paralysed as he took in the sight of her. Her eyes were more gorgeous up close. There was a hint of grey in it.

"Can I offer you some help?" He asked, clearing his throat after a moment.

She hesitated for a moment. Analysing him, but he flashed her that smile no woman could resist, "I- Uhm, sure," she gave out a small giggle.

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