Chap 3: The journey in the haunted house

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7:30, he arrived at the building and saw the kids stood there. Haibara said:

- So slow. We've waited for you 15 mins, Edogawa.

- Sorry, but what do you bring with you?

- Snacks of course! – Genta answered happily.

- Well, I bring a compass, water and batteries. – Mitsuhiko checked his backpack and talked.

- I bring a bottle of water and a phone, in case we need to phone adults. – Ayumi answered like a scaredy cat.

- 2 flashlights, batteries, water, a pack of biscuit and matches. – Miria answered.

- Mine is like Wasaki - san but I don't bring matches. – Haibara still talked in her cold voice.

- I have a compass, a flashlight and radar glasses. – Conan showed his things he brought.

- Ok. So NOW LET'S GO. – Genta shouted.

So the group went inside the building. It's a small one, about 3 to 4 floors, as big as 2 Suite hotel room. Just came in, the kids felt something creepy was happening: The door shut up itself; the candles were burned and blown up. The group kind of scared so they stuck together. Miria, Conan and Haibara turned on their flashlights and lighted it in 3 ways. Conan left his signal generator after all the ways they chose: The welcome hall, computer room, canteen, meeting room and another small hall. Genta started to eat his snack. Well, after going around floor 1 and 2, they decided to stayed at the hall. Mitsuhiko called:

- Hey Ayumi...Ayumi, where are you?!

The group turned around and discovered that Ayumi had disappeared. They started to panicked and tried to find her. Conan, with the voice as usual, shouted:

- Nobody move! Everyone stayed here, I'll look for her.

So he took his flashlight and left. He used his radar glasses to identified the places they had been through. He went to the small canteen. The canteen had a vending machine, a cart and chairs, tables. On the walls, there were switches and lights, also the bricks were a bit weird. He looked around and discovered Ayumi's detective badge. She had been missing in this place? Conan slowly touched pieces of the brick wall but found nothing. He also took a chair to push the switch, pull the light but nothing happened also. He looked a bit more and would come back the hall, told them to follow him.

Back to the rest, Genta and Mitsuhiko still complained about how Conan always left the team to do everything on his own. They started to angry and packed their backpacks to go and find Ayumi. Haibara and Miria tried to stop them but they couldn't so they must follow the boys too. They went to the 3rd floor to find Ayumi and went to the computer room (because there're broken computers lied on the floor). When Miria waved the light everywhere in the room, they discovered Ayumi's headband. The boys were very scared, panicked and started to ran around the room. When the atmosphere was confusing, Haibara turned around to check the member and discovered the truth that Miria had also disappeared. She told the boys to calm down and came back to the hall where they had stayed ealier.

When Conan arrived at the hall, Genta, Mitsuhiko were hugging each other and Haibara looked stressed. Conan asked:

- Hey, what happened? Why do you look so sad?

- Wasaki - san... Wasaki - san is also disappeared like Ayumi! – Genta said in a horrified voice.


Genta and Mitsuhiko didn't want to answered so Haibara answered for them:

- They wanted to prove that they're the best so they want to find Yoshida on their own and we have to go with them. Into the computer room, when we're panicking, she disappeared.

- WHAT?! AGAIN?! FIRST IS AYUMI AND NOW IS WASAKI - SAN? – Conan yelled. Inside his mind, he thought "If in that case, so when can I come back? Ran and uncle will be angry and give me some karate punches! Yikes. Beside, why do they so careless? "

And at somewhere...

- ACHOO! This place is hot so why am I sneezing? And do you have to do that? – A girl said to a man.

- Yes, of course! – The man replied her while still drinking.

Back to the team, the boys were crying, Haibara and Conan talked to each other. Conan said:

- As I see, Ayumi had been missing in the canteen because I found her detective badge there. – Conan showed her the badge.

- Wait, I thought she was lost in the computer room? Because I saw her headband lying on the floor. – Haibara said surprisingly.

- So that means the kidnapper had taken some of her things and put it everywhere to trick us. So, shall we keep going on the floors? – Said Conan superiorly.

So, the group followed Conan as a guide and went to the 2nd floor. The first room was a model room, with a lot of models lying in the cupboard, glasses and floor. There's just a small bulb to light up. The second room was the information room, with very few papers on the board, the desks, the fan was waving by itself. The decoration was a bit weird with colored marbles and weird pictures. Conan felt very strange so he pressed his hand to each marble and moved, until he found something interesting: A small way under the desk. They came down there and...

They saw Ayumi and Miria, both were tied up and hanging. Mitsuhiko and Genta were very shocked and Conan, Haibara ran there to help the girls. Unfortunately, a man had appeared. He had curly beard, with hunger and crazy eyes. He held a knife and threatened:

- Little kids, want to in the same destinies with these unlucky brats?

Conan, Haibara, Mitsuhiko and Genta stayed in a group, Haibara and Conan stood out to be the shields. The crazy man took Ayumi from the ceiling and put the knife to her neck. He threatened:

- Look! This is your friend! An unlucky brat. Want to see what I'll do with her?

He pointed the knife closer to her neck while Conan was ready for his shoes and balls. The man was going to stab Ayumi until:

- I think I should stop here right?

The group looked up. The man was smiling to the kids and put down the knife. The beard was also away and the eyes are very normal now and let Ayumi jumped down. Conan picked the knife up and bended it: it's actually rubber! Conan shouted:


- This is a house I rented to make a haunted house, I've finished it but I need someone to try. Luckily you kids tried for me. How is it? Fun?

- IT'S HORRIFIED! – Genta shouted.

- Okay, thanks. So, little girl, you can come out!

Miria came out. Both of them were fine. Miria said:

- Surprise? We had planned it together and every of your steps is in our plan. But unluckily that I have some scratches coz his plan

- Okay, so now let's come out.

The man led the kids to come out. Everyone was horrified by the house. That man put a piece of paper said "DO NOT COME IN" and left away. Conan asked Haibara:

- Haibara, I think I've scratched somewhere so my hand is bleeding, so I'll be home later, I need to go to the medical clinic.

- Well, my cheek and my hand also bleeding too, so can we? – Miria asked.

- Okay fine. – So Haibara pushed the kids away – Come home carefully and watch Wasaki - san.

[Detective Conan] The Last TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora