Golf Ball pushes yet another button and a large megaphone-like speaker comes out of the rocket, and inside the rocket out comes a little microphone to speak into.

Golf Ball: Go ahead.

She steps aside for Tree to talk through it. Meanwhile Black Hole sits on Pluto alone silently crying despite not being able to form tears (for obvious reasons) he looks at a photo he and his team had taken before the science fair which he kept in his pocket. Suddenly he hears a familiar voice.

Tree: Black Hole, can you hear me? Black Hole?

He turns to see where it's coming from and finds a large blue rocket with a large speaker of sorts sticking out of it, he gets off of Pluto and flies toward the rocket to find the faces of death P.A.C.T. through the windows of it.

Black Hole: Tree? Is.. is that you? Wh-What are you guys doing all the way out here??

Remote: We came to get you back to Earth with us!

Lightning: Death P.A.C.T. wouldn't be the same with out you.

Black Hole: That's nice of you all but, you're just wasting your own time.

Pie: We're not gonna leave you behind all by yourself!

Pen: Yeah, You belong on Earth as much as the rest of us do!

Black Hole: But you all heard what GB said about me back there, I just... can't.

Golf Ball: Well apparently, my opinion holds no meaning so I wouldn't worry on that.

Black Hole's face snapped a bit at the sound of GB's voice making him move in closer to the window and finds her there as well as TB.

Black Hole: YOU TWO!? Why are you guys here? WHY ARE THEY HERE!?

Liy: Believe it or not, they are the reasons we've made it this far to space.

Black Hole: Oh so you guys couldn't find another tech genius to make a rocket to space, like test Tube, Basketball, I don't know.. anyone who has NOT tried to ruin me!??

Tennis Ball: Okay I get that you're mad at us, but on my behalf of myself and my friend I did not intend to make you leave, that bit was all GB which I believe has something to say...?

Golf Ball: ... 

Golf Ball: Black Hole I have realized my mistake and I'm.. *sigh* I'm sorry, I let my pride and paranoia get over me, I was completely unprofessional...

Tennis Ball: And..?

Golf Ball: And I shouldn't have done the things I tried to do to you.

Black Hole turns his head 180 degrees away from GB still not wanting to speak with her face to face.

Black Hole: You turned the whole school against me, that's not something I can just forgive you for.

Golf Ball: On the contrary, the entire school was not against you but was against ME for making such assumptions about you.

Pen: *slightly laughing* She was pelted with trash and food items, not to mention the shade! (made this place look like daylight)

Tree: You hear that Black Hole? Everyone's perspectives of you haven't changed for the worse, they still care about you. 

The living space anomaly turns back to face his friends as Tree continues and slowly moves in closer to Tree specifically.

Tree: Your home is not out here in this lonely void of nothingness, your true home is back on Earth with all of us... with me. 

Tree places his hand on the window to say something he never thought he would say at such a time.

Tree: Black Hole, do you remember whenever we spent time together? Well I've often felt something in those times, and that feeling was... love. I love you too much to just let you leave the place you enjoy so much more than where you came from. So please come home.

Black Hole lowers his hood, places his hand on the window right over Tree's and gives him a smile that shows he feels the same.

Black Hole: Okay, I'll come back.

Everyone else cheers excitedly.

Golf Ball: Alright, let's turn this ship around, Tennis Ball set course back to Earth!

Tennis Ball: Will do GB!

The rocket changes direction and zooms to the way back to Earth now with Black Hole following right by the rocket's side.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Sorry for the lack of notes from me, wasn't sure what to write. XP)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now