"Come on, let's go for a run" Paul whined as he dramatically collapsed beside Ginny, who was focused on witch weekly beauty magazine. The whole extended pack watched him in amusement, Seth had been with them for a little while but his dramatics was still rather entertaining.

"I'll go with you" Seth responded eagerly, receiving a wide smile from the shapeshifter, who jumped up and gestured for the boy to follow. Once they left, everyone continued what they were doing until they heard the two distant howls that made them smile,  though Hermione noticed Edward was a little more quiet than he previously was. 

"What's wrong Edward?" He snapped his head towards Hermione, who was looking at him with a questionable look but much to his annoyance, the question gained the attention of everyone in the room, who were now focused on him.

"There's nothing-"

"Oh please, it's not hard to tell when you're moody or in deep thought and it seems you're in both, so talk" Despite not having the Alpha/pack bond that the shapeshifters have, her demands were rather intimidating and it always seemed to make him tell her whatever he was hiding. 

"School starts tomorrow and I'm just not sure if that whole thing is something I want anymore. The reason we did the whole school thing was because that allowed us to stay longer in each town but I'm thinking about graduating a year early" This was brand new information for the Cullens, who always had their many school experiences together, despite not wanting to continue on multiple occasions but knew it was necessary. Carlisle and Esme exchanged confused and concerned looks, both wondering if a certain human was part of the reason he wanted to leave high school early. 

"You two are partially right, the last thing I want is to see Bella but there is no point worrying about things like that because I know I'll run into her, one way or another. The main reason is, I want to spend as much time with Luna as I can, I've waited for so long to find my mate and here she is, I don't want to waste my time in school learning things that I already have centuries ago" They all understood where Edward was coming from, Jacob felt the same way about Pansy whilst he is at school but he knew his education was important and he promised his father that despite finding his imprint, he will continue to do everything he can to have a great future. 

"We have forever, Edward. I'm not going anywhere and I'll always be waiting for you until you get back"Luna reassured as she curled up on his lap, her soft pale hand stroking his cheek delicately, to which he immediately leans into her touch with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. In the Cullens opinion, they have never seen Edward so peaceful and happy, and that's all thanks to Luna, who's such a breath of fresh air and a positive light in their lives. 

"You're human, Luna. We don't have forever, unless you want to be turned in the future but that would mean to lose your magic and that isn't something I would ask you to give up" Everyone exchanged weary looks, hearing that one day, they would all die and the Cullens would remain, hit them like a ton of bricks. However, what shocked them the most was the giggle that escaped the dreamy blonde, who was smiling softly down at her mate. 

"Oh, Ed. We are core witches and wizards, you'd be surprised what we can do. Don't worry, we will all live forever, some as vampires and some in a whole different magical way" Despite some thinking her statement was a little far fetched, they allowed a little hope to sooth their hearts and imaged what it would be like to genuinely have everyone in each others lives forever. 

"What magical way is she talking about?" Jacob whispered to his Imprint, who was laying in his lap with her arm wrapped around his shoulder. 

"I have no clue but at this point, I just go along with whatever she says because it always seems to come true. The benefit of having a seer in the friendship group" Many chuckled at Pansy's statement but laughed harder when Luna glared at her with her tongue sticking out, though her glare was far from heated and looked rather cute on someone with such a dreamy face.

Harry was sat silently amongst his friends and family, wondering when and how would be the best time to break the news of officially moving near by. He knew moving away from Britain would cause a storm with the press and fans, thinking that he shouldn't be abandoning the country that he saved but the truth be told, he needed to get away from everything that reminded him of what he had to do. He didn't mind saving people and fulfilling the prophesy that was created before he was even born, but he had spent so many years being claimed either a hero or a villain. One minute, he was the hero who had finally returned to the world that he was taken away from after the deaths of his parents, then one day he was branded an liar and attention seeker, all because the ministry refused to admit and acknowledge that Voldemort was truly back. Magical Britain let him down over and over again, and yet he still saved them, maybe not everyone but he sure as hell ended the life of the monster that terrorised the magical world. In his opinion, he deserved a fucking break and he knew he wasn't ever going to be able to get that if he remained in Britain, especially with Ronald fucking Weasley around, who has decided that following him around was the new way to remain his friend. 

"Pup?" He was snapped out of his thoughts when Sirius' voice became clearer in his ear, the faces of those around him came back in focus and he realised that they were all looking at him with a worried expression. 

"Sorry, I was lost in thought" He said with a sheepish smile, making Sirius and Remus shake their heads amused whilst Hermione and Ginny didn't look as convinced as the others. Hermione raised an eyebrow with her arms crossed over her chest whilst Ginny narrowed her eyes in a threatening manner, making his eyes widen a little before he sighed in defeat. 

"Fine, I have an announcement to make" Harry called out as he stood from his seat, gaining everyone's attention. He cleared his throat in hopes to get rid of the nerves but somehow, the soft and glowing smile from Luna was what eased his fears and gave him the courage. 

"I have decided to leave Britain and move here. There's a house rather close by which is one of the Potter properties, I move in tomorrow" This was met with silence, everyone was looking at him in shock until everyone suddenly jumped up with excited smiles and giving him congratulatory hugs. His smile faltered slightly when he noticed both his sisters looking up at him with uneasiness. 

"Are you sure about this Harry?" Ginny questioned as she grabbed hold of his hand, giving it a light squeeze, which made him smile at the gesture. 

"I'm one hundred percent positive that this is the right decision for me, Britain isn't for me anymore and I think I was always going to leave at one point in my life, it's just a lot easier knowing you guys are here and not being left behind" Ginny stayed silent for a moment, observing him for any sign of a lie before deciding that his explanation was good enough and gave him a large hug with a bright smile. Next was Hermione, who still seemed somewhat uneasy but was more relaxed than she was before.


"I know what I'm doing, 'Mione. I finally feel like I belong somewhere, this is home and this is where I'm going to remain" He said softly but with a stern edge to his voice, Hermione tilted her head slightly as she looked deep into his eyes, making him shift from one foot to the other nervously. She finally let out a sigh and nodded her head, a smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around his muscular torso, muzzling her face into his chest. 

"I'm glad you feel at home here, brother. I was just worried that you'd regret it but I can see, this is where you're meant to be and I sure as hell wont be telling you to do anything you don't want to do" 

"I love you, sister"

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