Chapter 10 | Not that basic

Start from the beginning

"So, what about yours?"

I unconsciously looked down on my body although they were covered by my clothes. I was wearing a backless short dress that exposed my side so only the one I had on my rib was mostly visible. "I only have three."

"I know." He smiled at me. "I've seen them."

"Right." I chuckled. "Well the one I have here is from the book Little Prince, obviously." I said pointing at the tattoo I had on my groin of Little Prince flying away of his planet with birds. "I loved the book growing up. I love it as an adult. I think it has beautiful and deep meanings and it combines many important things together. The one on my back is the solar system, both pretty basic, I know." He laughed at my comment. "And the one on my ribs, the skull, I think is the least basic one I have. It's based on a Van Gogh's paint. And I love the painting and its purpose. It's supposed to be a satirical comment on conservative academic practices, that was used back then, and for me, I guess, is a comment for every conservative opinion."

"You're right. That's not that basic."

I smiled at him. "I'm having a really good time today."

"Yeah, me too." He said looking down the table.

"Too bad I'm leaving in two days, I guess. It was fun while it lasted."

"Don't be a party pooper." He said while he was leaned back the chair. "There's still a whole day."

"Right." I said smiling but in reality, I was kind of sad. I can't believe the days passed by so fast. First, I was not ready to get back to work and reality yet and moreover, I felt bumped that I wouldn't get to spend more time with him. It's funny, when I was thinking about having fun and meeting someone I couldn't imagine and didn't mean to meet someone that I would connect with so much. We connected to pretty much everything and I was so attracted to him. It was crazy.

"And if you're ever in Rome." He winked at me. "You can give me a call."

I gave a half smile at him. "I don't have your number."

"That can be fixed." He took out his phone and opened it. "What's your number?"

"We live in the social media era. Why do you want my number? Wouldn't be easier via internet?"

He looked down for a moment, hesitating. "Fine. Are you on Instagram?"

"Sure, give me your phone." He gave me his phone and I typed my account name on the search bar, I found me and gave it back to him. "Here you are."

He pressed something, which I imagined was the follow button and then close his phone and placed it on the table. "There."

I smiled at him. It was nice. I'd probably never seen him, or even probably talk to him again but having him popping out on my feed once a while would be a nice reminder of the summer I've had and the very good time I've spent with him. My phone dinged with an Instagram notification, and I looked at the screen.

Ykaaar started following you.

That's a weird name. I wouldn't be able to find him even if I wanted to. I opened my phone to follow him back and before I was even able to ask him about his name and I got distracted by the number of followers. Almost 900000? Was I seeing well? I looked at the screen of my phone with my eyes wide opened. Apparently, when he said he was a musician he wasn't kidding. They were a band, and I guess, a pretty well-known one. I thought they were a smaller band having some gigs here and there but that was not a small band. I was kind of in a shock. Now I could understand why he felt awkward answering question.

"Damiano!" I looked at him with my eyes wide opened. "The followers!"

He grinned at me in a way that meant I know, I'm famous but in a funny way.

"Oh my god." I was still in shock, and I couldn't hide it. I'd probably should try to not act in that way. It's probably why he was feeling awkward talking about it. And, of course, you wouldn't expect someone to go around meeting people and telling them they're famous in their country. That'd be kind of braggy to be honest, but still. I couldn't not be shocked. I had been sleeping with the guy for some days now and had no fucking idea. I was shocked.

"So..." He said while he placed his one elbow on the table. "We may have participated in X-Factor, and we may have finished second, have one EP, one album and preparing another one right now."

"That's..." I paused trying to gather my thoughts and wrap my head around it. "Very impressive. Congratulations."

"Grazie, credo."

"No." I said holding my finger up. "Don't try to lure me with your Italian right now."

He smiled at me playfully. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I shook my head at him and then tried to save the shock I'd shown. "That's awesome, I guess. You guys get to do what you love, and I heard you playing last night. You are very good and have incredible energy together. And I can only imagine how better you'd be in a better and more appropriate environment."

"Well." He leaned closer to me and by the look he gave me I could imagine what he was about to say. "That stands for other things too."

I leaned closer too and looked him right in the eyes. "I'd be happy to see that too."

"Maybe you'll get to." He leaned back on his chair again, smirking at me. "Who knows?"

That man knew well how to play with me, and I was all about that. He was staring intensively at me knowing exactly what had done to me right now. He has done that far too many times by now but was still working. He would come close to me, tell me something exciting and then go back like nothing happened or if possible, even leave entirely. But this time I was in the mood of playing too.

I leaned even further on the table locking my eyes to his. "I hope I will. Because if it can get even better, I'm interested."

"So, you wouldn't be interested otherwise?"

"Does it seem like I'm not interested?"

He did not answer to that. He just looked at me.

"Because in case you haven't noticed. You're driving me crazy."

He licked his lips not taking his eyes from mine. He was freakishly hot, and I was feeling my whole body burning from desire. The tension between us was crazy. The only think I could think about at that moment was leaving that bar and going somewhere where we could be alone.

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