1. The Library

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I had lost track of how long I'd been at the library tonight, I had been so engrossed in the composition task set to me by my tutor that I hadn't noticed the building slowly emptying of people.  I leaned back in my chair yawning as I listened to the track I had been working on.  I was vaguely aware of people moving around the outside of the building and looking through the windows, it was fairly normal for people to do this if they were looking for someone, I tried to ignore it, instead focusing on making sure all of my work was saved and checking what was left on my daily to-do list, I just had one more paper to finish and I would be caught up enough that I could spend the weekend watching movies and finishing a tv series  I'd been forced to stop watching to keep up with college work.  

I was still feeling frustrated that I'd been forced to use the college library when I could have done it all at home if it hadn't been for my neighbours.  I checked my watch, it was only ten in the evening, and my neighbours would still be in full swing either arguing or having loud rough sex to make up with each other from arguing, the walls of my apartment were very thin and I found it difficult to focus on studying with all the noise, I couldn't risk failing so had made the decision about two weeks ago, just after they moved in, to use the college library until  I'd finished the main bulk of my course.

I decided to take a break, visit the men's room and grab some water from the vending machine near the entrance door.  I grabbed my phone, which I'd kept in my backpack and on silent while working on my project, as I got to the bathroom door I noticed that there were over 50 missed calls and a couple of dozen messages, they all seemed to be from the same person. Changbin, I was just about to call him back when my phone indicated that he was calling again.

"Hey Binnie, sorry I had.."

"Han where are you?!" Changbin interrupted sounding panicked

"uh...the library...why?" I stopped dead in the middle of the bathroom, I'd never heard my friend sound this panicked before...well...other than that time he managed to break one of his grandparent's priceless heirlooms when he was sixteen and believed that his dad was going to punish him so severely that he wouldn't be able to sit down until he was in his forties.

"I'll explain later, do you remember Minho?"

"uh...no" I lied, I was hardly going to forget the guy, but I didn't want Changbin reminding me of that weird little crush I had developed.

"The guy that came with me a couple of years ago when we went out drinking" there was a pause and no one said anything "You got drunk, declared you had a crush on him and said you wanted to do some really kinky things with him" Changbin growled impatiently.

"o-oh...him...yeah" I could already feel my face heating up, thankfully Minho had disappeared to the bathroom or something during that particular embarrassing moment.  I was 99.9% sure that Changbin would not have repeated any of it to Minho, although he may drop some obvious hints if he thought it would make either of us blush.

"I've sent him to come to get you...Stay there...do not leave and do not go anywhere without him...Han...trust no one but Minho or Chan" again another pause, I was about to ask who Chan was but I could hear a loud noise in the background that sounded like an aircraft was close by with a weird popping and cracking noise in the distance on the other end of the phone, someone was calling urgently for Changbin to hurry up "Promise me, Han?"

"o-okay Hyung " I heard a loud bang on the other end of the line and the call cut off so abruptly that I didn't even know if Changbin had heard me.  I felt worried for my friend, it sounded like something serious was going on, however, I knew that Changbin had a large security detail so he was well protected.  I decided to take what had been said seriously, over the last ten years I had learnt that the man didn't play pranks like this so I knew I had to trust Changbin's demands, at least until I found out more information.  

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