His version had an Ōarai logo on one shoulder, and an American flag on the other.

The school's female tank jacket could be passed off as normal clothes anywhere, except for the huge Bloated-lip anglerfish on the back.

No matter how much he tried to get them to change it, they wouldn't do it.

His logo, the signature King Cobra, was the only one suitable for a tank.

As his mind kept dwelling on other things, they'd actually reached the counter.

They'd both ordered their ice cream, and they sat down at one of those round booths, where the seats connect.

The place had purple walls and pink cushions and seats.

Some other couple sat on the other side of the building,

And they were doing all this mushy stuff, like kissing for long periods of time.

He tried to focus on his Chocolate ice cream instead

or whatever flavor you like

Yukari drew a bit closer to him,

It was obvious that she wanted attention.

Getting all kissy in public is not what he had in mind,

He slid his arm behind her, and shoved her closer,

Like a half hug,

Yukari gasped a little bit, before she melted into it,

Resting her head on his shoulder, and looking into deep into his eyes

Carm took a bite out of the edible ice cream cone, when he realized that feeling of Yukari's head on his shoulder.

She that the cutest and most heart melting smile on her face.

Awwww, that's cute enough to kill,

They just stared at each other a little bit, just smiling,

Yukari blushed red and her smile eventually evolved into a giggle,

She closed her eyes and laid on his shoulder,

Wrapping her arms around his body,

A little close for liking, but hey, a hug's a hug

They enjoyed it for a few seconds,

But then.

The alarm that Carm set on his phone went off,

He chomped down the remaining bits of the cone,

"Hurry up! We have to get to the public bathhouse!" He said

"Wha.... Bathhouse?" She said a she followed him out to the car.


"Why? I thought you didn't like getting, uh, undressed in front of others!" She said

"I don't! Take this!" He said

A passed her a Howa Type 89 Assualt rifle,

A passed her a Howa Type 89 Assualt rifle,

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It was loaded with paintballs,

"A paintball gun?! What will we need this for?"

"Empty pools and the edges in the bathouse make excellent cover!" Carm said

The T29E3 passed them, the boys brandishing all manner of guns and protective gear.

"Come on Sarge!" One of them shouted

"IKNOW!" Carm yelled back without a pause

The car engine cranked up.

"Hop in! We gotta get there before the rest show up!" Carm yelled to Yukari

She flew in and slammed the door shut.

The Muscle car zoomed out of the parking lot, followed by the heavy tank.

Mostly Girls, und Panzer II: Der Film (Male Reader OC x Girls und Panzer) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang