Chap 2: A surprising identity of Miria

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 Conan and Haibara total in shock in front of Miria. Conan whispered:

 - This girl... is different from what we expected, right?

 - Yeah, she's kind of like us. Mature personality in child's body because we'll also react like that if we're adults. What if...

 - No, she couldn't be one of them, right?

 - I ... I don't know, I feel something very strange from her, not dangerous but something like... curiosity? – Haibara said.

 - Hey, what are you doing? Whispering what? Tell us! Wasaki – san is so strange, can't we just go after her? – Genta shouted.

 - Wait, Genta. We can't just follow her. Right Conan? – Ayumi said.

 - Hmm, well, it doesn't harm either us or her so just do it. Come on, let's go. – Conan shouted. Haibara just sighed with the kids.

 The group went after Miria secretly like spies. Miria seemed to recognized that someone was following her so she walked faster into a small abandoned building. The Detective Boys followed her too. But, coz they're so afraid of ghosts so Genta and Ayumi stood at the entrance, only Mitsuhiko came along to find Miria. When Haibara crossed a room, she heard phone beeping from the keyboard number. After that, was a phoning conversation. She put her ear close to the door and heard:

 - Is that you? Listen carefully, this mission order is from Rum, so do it carefully.

 - ....

 - What?! Are you crazy? No, our plan mustn't go like that! Why do you keep including Sherry although she's dead?

 - ....

 - No, it mustn't. When the periods end, I'll come back to discuss. Remember to be careful, I sense that there's an impostor among us. Ok, bye.

 Then she shut off the phone. Haibara, although almost fainted in fear, pretended to walk through the room naturally and asked:

 - Wasaki - san, are you here? If you're here, tell us!

 Miria still calmed as usual and walked out from the room. She said childishly:

 - Yes Haibara – san? I'm here!

 Haibara turned around and saw her. She quickly pulled her to the place where Conan and Mitsuhiko decided to wait. Mitsuhiko asked:

 - Where have you been? We've looked for you so long.

 - Err, nowhere, I just stayed in here to relax a bit.

 - Relax in this abandoned building? – Conan suspicious.

 - So what? Don't you love Holmes like crazy and stayed 24 hours in your library? – Miria answered and rolled her eyes.

 - How... how do you know?

 - None of your business.

 - Who do you talk to earlier? – Haibara asked.

 - Eh, it's ... it's no one. Why do you ask? – Miria chuckled nervously.

 - Don't lie, Miri... I mean Wasaki - san. Lying isn't good. – Mitsuhiko advised her.

 - I said I don't. – Miria shouted and Conan held her hand tight. – Let me go! Ugh!

 Miria was stronger than Conan thought so she could pull herself out from Conan. But unfortunately, the place they stood was near the staircases so she fell down immediately. Lucky that the stairs were short with 6 steps. Conan and the Detective Boys horrified and surrounded around her. Miria looked around and went unconscious.

 Miria was brought to Teitan Elementary School's medical room. The nurse told them that was just a small accident. At the moment the kids were surrounding Miria, Conan took her phone on the table and hid it in his pocket. He pulled Haibara outside and asked:

 - Why must we steal her phone?

 - You... you don't know what I've just heard from her. – Haibara chilled.

 - And what is that?

 - I... I heard she talking on the phone. The number dialing is 0858, exactly the Boss' email. I also heard she's calling someone and heard she mentioned "RUM". I ...I don't believe that!

 - Ok. So now we can open her phone and copy the number she dialed, right? – Conan asked

 - Yeah I guess, but be careful. – Haibara shakily answered.

 Conan opened her phone but... SURPRISE! It required a password. Conan and Haibara were quite calmed in front of this situation. They tried some basic and popular passwords but couldn't unlock it, so they tried "Goroawase", Japanese wordplay. Passwords like 4869 (Sherlock), 6100 (Mulan), 1492 (I can see land) and more. A voiced was mixed in hilarious and 100% angry said:

 - So can you give me back my phone after finding my password?

 It was Miria. She snatched her phone back and said normally:

 - There's nothing for you to found in here. And also, this is my private information so no one is allowed to touch it.

 - Eh, but when did you wake up? – Haibara and Conan asked.

 - The Detective Boys have come home and I was awaken by you guys. Here's their note for us. Read and keep it.

 Conan took the note from Miria and read it with Haibara. It said "We found an abandoned house and heard that it's haunted. Wanna explore it? If you do, this is the address: 536C, Beika neighborhood (I made it up ^v^) and remember to come at 7:15!" Conan had no other choice so he called Ran and said that he'd be at Agasa Inventor's house. After that, he called Agasa and told him to lie about him and Haibara. Phew! At least he could sneak out without attentions.

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