"Do you need the address for the school?" Aaron asked as he put his suit jacket on.

"No, I know where I'm going" she said as she put her suit jacket on, Gabbing her purse and keys she made her way out the door with Jack on her heels and Aaron getting the booster and locking the door. After setting the seat in Celeste's SUV and getting Jack in.

"Alright walk him to the door, his teacher should be there, he knows who she is. She might ask who you are" Aaron said at he looked at Celeste, she put her belt on and looked at him.

"Great" she said with a smile, Aaron gave her a smile as he shook his head.

"Be good and have a good day at school" he said to his son.

"Love you daddy!"

"Love you bud, see you tonight" Aaron said before closing the door.

"Alright, let's get you to school" Celeste let out as she started the car and slowly backed out of the driveway.

Celeste was driving with Jack talking none stop in the back as they made there way to school, Celeste parked in the drop off zone and got out and made her way around the SUV, Jack had unbuckled himself and open the door.

"Got your backpack and lunch box" Celeste said as she stood beside the door of the vehicle.

"Yup!" he said as he closed the door. Celeste helpped him put his backpack before started to make her way towars the entrance, Jack grabbed Celeste's hand as they walked together.

"Are you going to come get me after school?" Jack asked her as he looked up, Celeste open the door of the school.

"Will see" she said as she looked at the little boy who gave her a smile. they walked in the school where there was a lot of kids and adults around.

"Good morning Jack" a older woman said.

"Morning" Jack said with a smile. the teacher looked at Celeste with a confused look.

"Hi I'm Celeste, I'm..."

"Celeste lives with us" Jack cut in, the teacher looked at Jack then at Celeste again.

"Nanny?" she asked, Celeste let out a chuckle.

"Umm no...Girlfriend" she said, the woman looked at  Celeste and gave her a slow nod with raised eyebrows.

"Anyways! Jack have a good day and see you later" Celeste let out as she looked down at the boy, Jack gave her a quick hug.

"bye Celeste, see you later. Love you" he said then walked away, Celeste looked at the teached and gave her a tight lip smile before turning around and walking away.

Celeste walked into the bullpen making her way to her desk she dropped her stuff on the desk as she let out a deep breath.

"rough morning?" Derek asked as he looked up at her, Celeste looked at him.

"Just weird" she said as she took a seat in her chair.

"Weird how?" he asked.

"Do you find it weird...Hotch and me?" she asked, Morgan let out a laugh.

"what happen?"

"Everyone think I'm the damn nanny" she let out making Morgan laugh even harder.

"Asshole!" Celeste let out as she threw a pen at him. half hour went by and Celeste was working on a file as Emily and JJ showed up they were chatting with Morgan when someone showed up beside her desk, Celeste looked up.

"morning boss" she said as she smiled at Hotch, he gave her a little smile.

"How was drop off?" he asked, Morgan let out a chuckle.

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