“I'm not ready to face them Alexandra. Please understand”.

I pout and take her hand.

“C'mon aunt Cass. I can't go alone. What if she ties me up and... and freezes me or something? I need you to be there with me please”.


“I'll pay for your tickets” I smile and wiggle my eye brows at her.

She just chuckles but doesn't say a word. I sigh and nod.

“Alright fine. But at least think about it...”.

“I already have. And my answer remains the same. I cannot go with you”.

I nod.

“Well okay. I'll get going now. I promised Poppy she'd spend the night at my place and Ruth-Alma said she's making lasagna for dinner and I really don't want her to burn down my house. She set off the fire alarm twice this morning”.

She chuckles.

“Give them my love okay?”.

I nod.

“I'll call you when we get home”.

She gives me a little hug and I'm on my way. I pick up Poppy from her house and she's beyond excited.

“Ouu can I throw rocks at your neighbor's window when he's doing it with his many lovers?” she chirps as I help fasten on her seat belt.

“Who told you that?” I chuckle.

“Rae” she answers.

I laugh and pull out of the driveway.

“Hey Alexis?”.

“Yes Pop”.

“Do you think I can really become a lawyer?”.

I take a look at the fifteen year old beside me.

“You wanna become a lawyer?”.

She nods. I smile.

“I think you'd be the best lawyer in the world. You've got the biggest heart and anyone would be lucky to have you help them defend themselves”.

She smiles back at me.

“Have you told your parents?”.

She nods.

“Mom and dad are both really excited. Mom especially. She said I'm going to do great”.

My mind drifts back to the conversation we had in her office. There was no way she's was going to risk the future of her children by dragging them into our family chaos.

I eventually smile and ruffle Poppy's hair.

“She's right. You are going to do just great”.

We pull up in my driveway and the lights are on.

I hope she hasn't burnt anything.

Poppy hops out of the car and races towards the front stairs.

“Hey, hey, hey your bag...”.

But she's already gone. I sigh and grab it from the back seat. I take my bag and lock the car door. Then I hear her loud squeal.

“Poppy please go easy on the Cheerios!” I call out. “I don't even know why I restocked”.

I open the door and put my keys on the counter. Hanging my bag and Poppy's, I turn to the living room.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora