Chapter 36

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Yeah, I'm a horrible author. I was supposed to update about a month ago, but I was held up on a couple things. Anywhooooo,

Landon's P.O.V

I aimlessly raise the silver piece of cutlery from its ceramic dwelling and watch as the pale ivory liquid runs back into the bowl, making a hushed splashing sound as it does so.

'Landon, stop playing with your food and eat your cereal before you're late to school,' Mom snaps, gently hitting my head with the dish towel.

I snap out of my daze, but feel an absence of hunger as I think about the big day ahead. Today is the day of the first swim meet and as much as I'm excited for it, the anticipation and pressure to perform has been really messing with me.

'Can I stay home?' I ask, sliding my bowl of cornflakes away.

Mom and Lance both laugh at my legitimate question and I sit, dumbfounded on the stool.

'What?' I ask, slightly irritated.

'Landon, stop being a baby,' Lance speaks with his eyes still glued on the crossword section of his newspaper.

'Just do your best and I'm sure you'll achieve great results,' Mom adds, giving Lance a warning look for his unnecessary truthful statement.

She slides into the stool beside me with an encouraging smile. I huff and turn my head, unconvinced.

'Do you want me to come watch you? I'm free today,' she suggests while patting my knee gently.

I turn to face Mom with a small smile creeping up my face, appreciative of her kind offer, but dismiss it.

'Yeah I would, but you kind of promised Dexter you'd take him to the zoo today,' I say, still smiling.

'Oh. That's right,' Mom says with a thoughtful expression on her face.

'There's always next time?' I ask hopefully.

Mom nods her head and leans over to give me a hug.


I say goodbye to my parents and unwillingly receive a sloppy kiss on the cheek from Mom before heading to the garage and sliding into my car.

After reversing out of the driveway, I cruise gracefully down the road in the direction of school. Panic, excitement and dread start to settle into my mind until I have no choice but to turn on the radio for the sake of subsiding any detrimental thoughts.

I gently relax as a calming alternative song blares through the car speakers and hum quietly to myself as I make a turn into the school grounds.

I sprint toward the back of the school where the event is being held at our massive outdoor pool, surrounded by bleachers able to seat hundreds of spectators. I cherished swim meets as they are not only days where I could showcase my talent and love for swimming, but are also a free day off classes.

Coach signals for me to come over as he spots me lingering around the crowd of excited supporters and I walk over to join the rest of the team.

'You know what to do. Don't blow it,' Coach says to our group of elite swimmers.

His bland words have no effect on me as I'm used to his straightforwardness and I take the less than encouraging words in stride.

He eventually dismisses us after a short pep talk so I find a place to unpack my equipment and get ready to swim.

'Don't tell me you got with a hooker before school,' Sean snorts as I remove my swimming gear from my bag.

I stare at my friend blankly before rummaging back in my sports bag in pursuit of my goggles.

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