Wen Yan was reluctant to say what he was going to say. The person he likes stays for a while, but the school bell makes him have to leave her side.

    It's never been so uncomfortable before. Since he confessed, he just wants to stick to her side every minute and every second, and feel uncomfortable if he doesn't see her for a while.

    ——If this goes on, if Ren Zhaoruo rejects him, can he really let go of his feelings for her?

    No, he will definitely succeed, he doesn't allow himself to fail, and he doesn't want to see Ren Zhaoruo fall into the arms of others.

    After seeing Wenyan's departure, Ren Zhaoruo breathed a sigh of relief, his fiery eyes really couldn't be ignored, it was too existential, but fortunately others didn't see it.

    Although his eyes were not on him, Ren Zhaoruo still couldn't concentrate to listen to the class. Fortunately, she had already previewed the content of this class, and she kept up with the progress after the teacher explained a few words, so she would not understand.

    After finally making it to the end of get out of class, as if afraid that she would forget, Wen Yan immediately packed up and came to Ren Zhaoruo's desk.

    "Let's go."

    Ren Zhaoruo pursed her lips and said, "Oh, okay..."

    Fang Jiexin, who was doing the question, raised her head, "If you want to go out? Can you buy me a bottle of coffee, I'm so sleepy."

    "Okay. "Ren Zhaoruo nodded, not thinking about this at all.

    The two left the classroom one after the other, she walked in front, and Wen Yan followed behind. He wanted to ask her how she was thinking, but when he asked, it seemed that he was too eager, as if forcing her to make a decision.

    "Well, I have something I want to ask you." Ren Zhaoruo turned around suddenly, "This matter... can you not tell them first?"

    Surrounded by students, Ren Zhaoruo didn't want to say 'you like me' four word, then use 'this thing' instead. Others may not understand, but how could Wen Yan not know.

    He agreed, "Okay, no problem."

    Wen Yan thought that if he let his friends know that he liked her, he might say good things about him in front of her. Although this was what he was looking forward to, he hoped She accepted her confession only because she really liked herself, instead of nodding under pressure, just because she didn't want to destroy everyone's friendship.

    He's not the kind of person who only confesses in front of everyone, and he doesn't want to put pressure on her. Waiting for an unknown length of time is painful, but at least it's safe.

    And Ren Zhaoruo thought about the same thing as him, she didn't want her friends to know, just because everyone was too familiar, she was afraid that she would be affected by their words. For example, if a friend likes a certain star, and he says nice things about him in front of him every day, he will also fall in love with that star subtly.

    It's just that this kind of liking isn't a sincere liking, it's just a whim, and it can't stand up to scrutiny at all. It may be lost because of a trivial matter.

    Ren Zhaoruo whispered, "Thank you."

    She always felt that her request was too much, and she felt sorry for Wen Yan. Wen Yan seemed to see her troubles and took the initiative to say,

    "Actually, I don't care if they know about it or not. What I care about is your thoughts and when you will fall in love with me."

    Wen Yan said this. Ren Zhaoruo was stunned when he hit the straight ball. Was it such a feeling when someone who had been defending suddenly took the initiative? If she hadn't heard it with her own ears, she really couldn't believe that Wen Yan would say such a thing.

The only normal personजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें