"I fought with him a lot to even go to work. I didn't want to lose him too. I wanted him to fight for me. I wanted him to be my dad. I finally understood why he was tough on me during mom's illness. He wanted me to be strong for him." Her eyes sparkled with tears and her voice was struggling not to crack. My heart was sinking in the bits of my stomach upon seeing her like this.

  "Who Am I going to be strong for if he doesn't make it?" She broke down in tears in front of me and I couldn't help but let her cry in my arms as I held her to my chest.

  Holly was about the same age Iman was when our parents died. If she was like this when her dad was still a live, I can't even imagine what my siblings went through losing both parents all of a sudden.

  They have been more than strong for me. Always so caring and loving, even in our worst fights they always assure me they love me. Never have I ever felt like Holly was feeling now.

  They never asked me for anything but to be a good person and to follow the rules. I gave them a run for their money with my attitude and never stop defiance. It broke my heart knowing they did all of that for me and this was how I repaid them.


~Yasmin's P.O.V~

  Mama was right as always. Talking to Uncle Adam did help mine and Ayman's relation quite a bit actually. He has been awfully nice to me lately but I'm scared of what he had heard.

  Did Uncle Adam tell him I liked him or did he just hinted it? Whatever he had said, it worked like magic.

  It was almost 7AM and I was running in the kitchen like crazy trying to make a perfect breakfast for Ayman. I already made him some falafel, cheese, mashed potatoes and Spanish eggs. I know it's too much but we could say I made it for the whole family.

  "Morning, Yasmin." Ayman smiled taking his seat in front of the stool. He looked sharp as always and he was wearing that new cologne I bought for him as an early birthday present. His birthday was today and we had a feast planned for him.

  "Morning, Ayman." I beamed pouring the hot water in his mug which already contained sugar and a tea bag.

  "A morning feast. And some falafel as well. I'm spoiled." He chuckled taking a bit of the falafel. I knew it was his favorite.

  "It's your day. We have to spoil you." I chuckled taking a bit of the cucumber.

  "I've been celebrating my birthday for almost 28 years but this year is just special." He said giving me a sweet smile that just melted my heart. He could be a real romantic sometimes.

  "Good morning." Youssef smiled taking a seat next to Ayman. Their relationship was still on rocks but it was calm for now.

  "Morning," Both Ayman and I mumbled.

  "Happy birthday Ayman." Youssef smiled and gave Ayman a gift bag that I only just noticed now. Aw, this was too sweet.

  "Thanks." Ayman said shocked of Youssef's behavior. They have been on edge for almost three weeks now. I think this was the first time the both of them actually talked since their fight.

  "Open it." Youssef smiled at Ayman nervously. I could see he was eager to see Ayman's reaction as was I.

  "Wow, this is.. Expensive." Ayman was yet again shocked with the present. Youssef had bought him a new watch. It wasn't a Rolex or anything but still it was original and looked expensive for a kid's allowance.

  "It's my way of saying sorry. I know I was a pain in the arse. Still am, actually," Youssef laughed nervously and I saw Ayman's face straighten. This was going to be interesting.

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