Chapter 17: Have Mercy.

Start from the beginning

"Oh! That news... Hahahaahaha you know it's a funny story-" She tried to continue but I cut her off

"Bailey! Stop stalling!" I yell at her frustrated and she looked at me like she was deciding if she should tell me and took a deep breath

"emmettscalledmeandsaidhewascomingbacktoday! Okay byeee" She said quickly and tried to walk away

"Oh no you don't!" I yell and grab her shoulder so that she was facing me again

"Hi" She smiled sweetly at me

"Don't you 'Hi' me, after you try to leave me." I say glaring at her

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you? Because if not I really do love you." She smiled at me again

"Stop trying to flatter me, repeat what you said earlier, but slower." I said looking at her

"I love you?" She said slowly but it was like a question

she knew what she was doing

"Bailey Ann Manchester! You know what your doing! Tell me now!" I yelled frustrated with her

"Oh, you said my full name... That's not good... are you mad" She asked

"Yes! Stop stalling!" I yelled and she flinched

"Okay okay." She sighed

"Go on!" I ushered her to continue

"Okay... So I got a call today... from Emmett..." She trailed off to look at me and my body froze when she said his name.

"And he said he was coming home today... Well tonight..." She bit her lip

"Wha..." I look at her in shock

"Yeahhhh... And you have to pick him up..." She didn't make eye contact with me

"WHAT?!" shout getting everyone's attention, I recompose myself and try again

"What?!" I whisper at her

"Yeah, well you and me have to pick him up... I sort of promised him.." She still didn't look at me in the eyes, because she probably knew that I am giving her the hardest glare I can muster up right now

"Bailey! You can't just promise the guy that basically shattered my heart that I will pick him up from the airport!" I hiss at her

"Well I guess I could pick him up, but he still is staying at your house, how are going to avoid him?" She asked

"I just need to avoid him until I'm ready to actually see him." I reasoned

"Okay Okay...Now that, that's done let's enjoy the beach! I have to get the Emmett later and I want a relaxing day" She said excitedly

"Alright!" I laughed at her enthusiasm


*Many hours later*

I was woken up by something crashing downstairs and immediately got out of bed.

Oh please tell me I'm not being robbed! I swear I locked the door!

I grabbed my old soccer trophy from when I was six and slowly crept out of my bedroom

I'm too young to die. I'm too young to die

I repeated to myself as I made my way downstairs and then heard another crash

"Fuck!" I heard a manly voice yell

I was on the last step and froze when I heard the man speak

"Yeah, thanks Bails for the ride, I know it was late!" I heard him yell and gasped

It's him. he came back.

"Emmett" I whispered and he immediately tensed up as if he wasn't expecting me.

"Emmett." I whispered a little louder, he turned around and I was shocked to see him. In a way, he looked hotter than before. He got taller, and he looked like he's been working out.

Have mercy.

"So I'm guessing you did miss me?" He smirked

Oh my fuck his voice got deeper

Wait. Back it up. Did he hear me?

"Yes I heard you. You've been saying everything out loud" He chuckled

"I..I...I.." I didn't know what to say so I ran. I ran upstairs and almost made it to my room but I tripped

"Ow..." I groaned holding my head I heard footsteps and then they stopped when a pair of feet were in front of me

"Shit, Nicky you gotta be more careful" He said coming to help me

But I backed away

"No, Emmett." I said softly

"What?" He asked confused

"No." I whispered

"Why no?" He asked again

"Emmett, you left me." I whispered as a tear fell. This is still a touchy subject for me

"I left. Past tense Nicky." He pleaded and I looked up at him

"And now you're that you're here, I suppose you think that everything is going to go back to normal?" I ask him wiping the tears away

"Nicky, don't be like that," He took a step closer

"Emmett. Don't." I closed my eyes to stop the tears

"Nicky... I want you to know, that you're the reason I came back. And I missed you. Alot." He trailed off, and I heard footsteps and a door open and close

I opened my eyes to see and empty hallway but the guest bedroom light on

"Fuck" I cursed

So much for avoiding him.

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