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Jake's first day home went great.

His second day was CRUCIAL!

"Jake, please stop crying! I want to sleep!" I said to him as I was cradling him in my arms.

"I'll take him, babe." Bryan said.

"No," I snapped. "I mean, you know how he gets when I leave him."

"So don't let him see you leave." I handed Jake to Bryan and walked out.

Bryan had his back towards me as he cradled Jake. I was downstairs and then I heard Jake start to crying. I ran upstairs and took Jake from Bryan. Bryan sat in the rocking chair and I checked Jake's diaper. Didn't need to be changed.

I laid Jake in his crib and waited for him to fall asleep. I motioned Bryan to leave and then I slowly closed the door. I left it open a little bit.

Bryan sat on the couch, and I sat next to him.

"Will he be a werewolf like you?" I asked.

"It's possible. We won't know until he's older."

"How older?"

"Like, like when he's 5 or so. We've got time before he'll show."

"How come you don't turn?"

"I don't need to, I'm the Alpha."


"Don't follow the movies. That's all lies. Follow the real thing."

"I know. But, I mean-" Jake's crying woke me up. I titled my head back and groaned. I was exhausted.

Bryan touched my shoulder and laid down. He took care of Jake.

I went upstairs, Jake was attaching to Bryan and myself equally. It no longer had to be just me taking care of him. I walked into my bedroom and stripped to my bra and underwear. I had just laid down in bed and heard a knock on the door. Bryan was helping with Jake, so I threw on Bryan's robe and went to see who it was.

"Hi, I'm Bryan's mom. Where's my son?"

She looked me up and down and said nothing more. I just stood there and looked at her.

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