Chapter II: Smoker on the Balcony

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"𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝔂𝓰𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓼,
𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰"

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Pisces leaned into the railing, observing the skyscrapers and the high rises as they stretched over the horizon. "It's so pretty," she remarked, in awe of the sight before her.

Just then, a mask with a hammer lunged at her. She managed to duck out of the way before grinning at the mask. "Woah, you guys never seem to run out huh? Doesn't matter, I needed to stretch my legs anyway~."

Wordlessly, the mask sets his sights on her again, hammer in hand ready to bludgeon her. As he charges, the girl easily slides down onto the floor. Using her legs to wrap around the man's body, and with her upper body as leverage - she manages to hoist the mask and throw him over the ledge.




She smiled a bit once she heard the squelching sound of his body hitting the pavement. She preferred tossing masks over the buildings, less blood on her that way. Plus, the sound they made on impact was pretty funny.

"Man, you're a bit messed up," a male voice called out to her from a nearby balcony. He had his hair in a low ponytail, holding a cigarette between two fingers. He looked to be about her age, though he did look skinny and frail. Pisces thought a gust of wind could knock him off the balcony he was at. He was wearing hospital clothes which Pisces thought was odd. "You got a cloud right?"

"A cloud? What kinda nonsense are you talking about, weirdo," Pisces replied lightheartedly. Though, a bit of hostility was laced in her voice.

The guy held his cigarette up in his lips, blowing some smoke out. "A cloud. Think of them like little power boosts you get in this realm, they enhance your abilities and help you fight. You got one of them, right? And a pretty strong one, too."

"Ah, those," Pisces said, caressing one of her eyes. "Well, what's it to you? You seem to know a lot about this place."

The guy nodded. He took something out of his bag, though Pisces was too far to properly see it. But when he finally put it in her view her eyes widened. She couldn't be mistaken, the shiny black blade glinted under the sunlight. An obsidian knife.

"Say what, why don't you join me? Be my bodyguard."

"And why should I do that?"

"I'll give you all the info you need. And this knife."

"You already got that knife, though, why would you need a bodyguard? I could just kill you and take it, who knows?"

"Let's see..." he thought for a moment. "Because you're my type?"

Pisces gave him a glare and he just grinned at her in response. "And because I can't fight. I have a heart disease, you see. I don't know if you're uncool enough to murder and loot a helpless guy like me."

Pisces playfully rolled her eyes and motioned for him to stay put. She backed away for a bit, and with a huff ran at full speed towards the railing. She jumped as she was about to crash into it, and using the railings as a jumping board, she managed to jump over where she was and land into the balcony the guy was in.

"Alright, I'll hear you out," she said, smiling at the smoking weirdo. "My name's Pisces, yours?"


"How do I know your info is legit?"

"Because in this world, I'm what's known as a person close to God."

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Virgo made her way to the infirmary carrying Miss June. "Greetings, Cancer."

She greeted a disheveled Cancer with bags under his eyes. "Ah, Virgo" he said, yawning. "Put her on the bed."

Virgo did so, draping a blanket over the passed out woman. Someone else entered the infirmary, a petite girl with headphones on her shoulders, Libra. "Hey Cancer, do you have any more redbull - oh Virgo!"

Excitedly, Libra rushed to hug the girl. Libra was two years older than Virgo, same age as Scorpio - but due to her small figure she looked a lot younger than she was. "How was the mission? I got a bit worried since my drone gave out and I didn't know if you were okay. But I'm glad you got back."

The infirmary doors swung open again, and Cancer groaned. He didn't like it when a lot of people gathered where he was. This time, Scorpio and the girl Virgo recognizes to be Taurus walked in. "Here to get Taurus checked."

"Ah, you're that girl I saved," Libra said to Taurus as she took a sip out of Cancer's redbull.

Scorpio glared at Libra. "As far as I'm aware, I was the one who shot the mask."

Libra glared back at him, "and I was the one who located it, tracked it down, and told you when to shoot."

"I would've shot him without your h\annoying voice on my earpiece barking orders all the time!"

"Oh yeah? You're a terrible shot, don't you remember?"

"Fuck off, midget!"

"You first, slenderman!"

Their argument was stopped by Cancer, who loudly slammed his fist against a table. "Will you two take your quarrel elsewhere? I got patients here."

The both of them gave one last glare before turning their backs against each other.

"Are they always like this?" Taurus asked Virgo, who didn't seem phased by the earlier incident.

"Huh? Oh yeah" she replied briefly. "They can't seem to get along."

"I'm praying for you, Virgo," Cancer said sympathetically. "All three of you will be out on a reconnaissance mission tomorrow, right? Well, Libra won't be there physically - but they'll still argue the entire time."

Virgo's face soured at the mention of that. "Ugh, I don't wanna think about it."

Taurus butted in the conversation as her interest got piqued. "A mission? What's it about?"

"They'll go a bit further south to search for survivors and the helicopter," Cancer explained. "Some more supplies, too."

Taurus mulled it over. Outside, huh. She wasn't sure if she could manage to step outside ever again. Still, she also didn't want to feel useless and stay at the base the entire time. And she wanted to have a bit of firsthand experience of how this realm worked.

"Um..." Taurus interjected. "Would it be okay if I joined you?"

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more interesting things are brewing. What will happen on the reconnaissance mission?

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