The patriarch of the stinky ghost poured a glass of water to the patriarch of the no-eating ghost clan, and the other party took it, and the water in the glass seemed to evaporate, not even a drop of water remained.

Lu Zhou said in surprise: "I feel very unlucky."

Shuishin said: "They are not unlucky, they are punished by heaven."

The patriarch of the Ghostless Clan nodded: "Yes."

The patriarch of the Needle Mouth Hungry Ghost said : "Our family is also punished by Lord Tiandao. Our family has a great appetite, but the throat is only the size of a pinhole. No matter how good the mountain delicacy is, we can't swallow it. We can only smell the fragrance and drink it. Baishui spends the day, and if he is hungry, his body will be burned by the fire, and the pain will be unbearable."

The patriarch of Jukou Ghost said: "We are almost the same. We want to eat but we don't have to. Every time we put food in our mouth, it will burn the food to ashes."

Gaolang saw that he was breathing fire as he spoke, and couldn't help but back away. took a few steps to avoid being burned by his fire.

The patriarch of the Smelly Mao clan sighed: "The Hundred Ghost King Tao dislikes the smelly mouth ghost clan for having bad breath, and he has nothing to eat together with the foodless ghost clan. He doesn't like the Jukou ghost clan to talk and breathe fire, and he also hates the needle mouth hungry ghost clan and Chi. The Burning Clan was burned to death by the flames at every turn. Rolling in front of him, they sent Jifang to the outside of the city. The only people who voluntarily stayed outside the city were the tent-headed ghost clan. They liked to haunt the forests or places with dense monsters. But their hearts are towards the monsters, not towards the Hundred Ghosts King, so they are hated by the Hundred Ghosts King, and they are the only ghosts who have not been punished by the Heavenly Dao Lord. They will be sealed under the underworld, and they are ghosts who are inadvertently implicated. Clan."

The patriarch of Pengtou Ghost smiled: "For us, it is the same everywhere, as long as we don't let us do bad things, and don't kill monsters in front of me."

Li Nanxuan asked him: "Hundred Ghost King Have you killed monsters in front of you?"

"Yes." The patriarch of the Pangtou Ghost said with a sullen face, "And he deliberately killed monsters on my territory as their food, but our Penggui clan does not have hundreds of ghosts. The king has many hands, and his ability is not as strong as that of the Hundred Ghost King, so he can only watch him hunt down monsters and beasts. I told my clan ghosts that the Hundred Ghost King will be retributed sooner or later, and sure enough, the retribution will come."

He looked Zhu Li Nanxuan said, "I'm just waiting for him to be kicked off the throne, waiting to see him fall, and watching him die even worse than the monsters killed by him."

Among the fourteen ghost clans, Peng Guitou was the The first ghost clan who bluntly said that they wanted to deal with the Hundred Ghost King.

Lu Zhou looked at another ghost who looked like a human: "Lord Tu Piao, this is..."

The patriarch of the stinky ghost said: "He is the patriarch of the wronged ghost clan. Their clan is quite special. They are all ghosts who died wrongly, and they are the most numerous ghosts among their clans. In the Wannian War, the King of Hell and the others didn't have time to take them away. , was left in the underworld. Seeing that there were a lot of them, the King of Hundred Ghosts brought injustices to join them, but their clan had a strange habit of expressing their grievances and finding someone to plead their grievances for them, so they Looking for the King of Hundred Ghosts to seek grievances, every time the King of Hundred Ghosts falls asleep, they will run into his dreams. Too many times, the King of Hundred Ghosts loses patience and asks them to find someone from outside the city to drag the dream." The

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