Part 6 rewrite

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Hm so some of the villains from The $te\/e $@g@ have Rainbow Quest counterparts, but some don't exist in this world at all, this changes my plan how to make it possible for Sabre to go between The $te\/e $@g@, this world, and the H\_/ /\/\@n \/\/0r|d.

Meanwhile with Time, Shark, and Sabre

Sabre's POV

So me, Shark, and Time are in the kitchen talking about our adventures. "Hey Lil bro I have a question for you." asked Shark "Ask away.", I said, "Have you ever encountered a red steve other than the one you first met, the villains that were red steves, Ghost Steve, and The Great Librarian.", Shark asked, "....." Me and Time went completely silent, "Listen the red steves are long gone. It is a hard thing to talk about since I knew some of the last red steves.", I said, "I see". He did not look convinced, then we heard thunder and lightning outside, me and Time ran outside while Shark was yelling at me "SABRE GET BACK HERE!" "He is overprotective huh", Time said, "Yeah just a little bit ok a lot", I said.

We get outside and we see Light Steve. Oh no this is bad. "Sabre." "Light." "Where have you been?" He asked, "Well I was trying to find those people that escaped, but then Time teleported me and M to talk. After a bit of talking, he teleported me back to start searching again, but then I got teleported to the World Below, ran into Void, and for some reason didn't destroy me."

"WHAT!" Light yelled in shock, "Yeah...." "Sabre, why are you talking with someone from the Rainbow Kingdom that we found?" asked Ryan. I turn to see Ryan, Tina, UnicornMan, Shark, and Goldy and they look really angry. Before you all yell at me let me explain Light that includes you", I said, "Alright Sabre.", Light said, too tired to argue with me, but then Tina yelled, "HOW DOES HE KNOW YOUR NAME?!" Light responded with "He saved us multiple times from the darkness that was used to defeat demon steves, but the first hero also known as Void kinda went crazy, so we saw darkness as evil, that was until Sabre showed us that the evil power can be used for good, and he is mine and many other steves friend, some people see him as a hero, some as a friend, however, because he was controlled by the darkness and was forced to destroy steves some see him as a villain or traitor." Oh yeah, I forgot some steves still hates me. "Sabre you have a lot of explaining to do," Shark said, oh fiddlesticks.

One explanation later

"So yeah that's everything important," I said, "Interesting" we look to see a figure in a black and gold cloak. "WHO ARE YOU" yelled Goldy,  "Someone that is not important to you.", wait, that voice. Me and Time look at each other. I see him mouth," Professor Red", "YOU AREN'T ALLOWED HERE AND YOU KNOW THAT!" I yelled, "I know, but I don't care." Professor Red said in a teasing voice. "Of course, you don't," I said, not surprised by his response." suddenly M walked in, "Hey, Sabre do you have my ext-" ..... Everyone went silent,

Professor was the one to break it, "M this is not what it looks like." "mhm," M said not convinced, "Professor get out," M said with a serious voice. "Yes sir" and with that, the Professor teleported out.  "Thanks, M," I said, relieved that Professor Red left. "No problem, Sabre." M said, "Hey idiot." said Shadow with a very annoying voice, (What do you want, Shadow). Luckily I figured out a way to speak to Shadow without talking out loud. "Why are you here with the intruders?" He asked, (The one with glasses is my brother Shark, then the others are my friends Ryan, Goldy, Tina, and Unicorn.) I told him, "I see." He said then he disappeared, "Well that just happened." Time said, "We're just going to ignore what just happened." Unicorn asked, "Weird stuff like this happens all the time." Light said.

*Lighting and Thunder*

We all ran outside to see who it was, "Hey Sabre" "Oh hey Thera." so yeah it was Thera or Ollie as everyone else calls him. "Sabre, who are they?" Thera asked as he pointed to my friends, "My brother Shark, and my friends Ryan, Tina, Goldy, and Unicorn," I say as I point to them. "Well, I'm going to go tell the leader that they aren't a threat so you don't get in trouble." Light said, "Good idea, the last thing I need is Yellow and Violet Leaders yelling at me because I didn't tell them I had friends from my world come here." I said, then Light teleports away.

2 hours of Time, M, Sabre talking
Shark, Goldy, Tina, Ryan, and Unicorn went to bed
Thera/Ollie left after 1 hour of them talking

"Well I need to go and check on the Time dimension, I will be back in a bit." Time said, and then he teleported away to his dimension, "So Sabre I have a question for you" M said, "Ask away buddy." I said, "So do you have a crush on Time," M asked. My face heated up when I heard the question, "I-I-I where did this come from." I asked, "Well you and Time are always hanging around each other now, and you always want to know how he is." M said, "Alright fine I do have a crush, but don't you dare tell him I'm not ready for a relationship right now, because of everything that's going on right now." I said, "Don't worry bud I won't. I just wanted to know, I'll let you two go at your own pace." M said, "Thanks M.", I said relieved, "No problem bud.".

Meanwhile with Light and the Leaders

Light's POV

"HE IS IN A LOT OF TROUBLE!", so yeah telling the leaders didn't go as planned all of them except Indigo and Orange are mad at Sabre. "ALRIGHT, ALL OF YOU SHUT THE F*CK UP!" I scream, god they give me such a headache, "We don't need to know everything about Sabre's life before he got here alright, and before you say why didn't he tell us, when did we ask about his life before he was in our world, tell me" they were silent, "exactly we never asked." 

Time x Sabre Ship :)

Reunion of friends/ FavremySabre Story/ Rainbow Quest /VERY SLOW UPDATES/Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt