Chapter 1

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Hi! I'm Cadence! I'm 10 I have one mom and a pet cat. I live in a two story home with one of my half sisters. That's basically it, I'm not really a complicated person. I don't have that many friends and I also get in trouble...a lot. I have black hair and bright piercing blue eyes. Yeah it's weird.

"CADENCE COME HERE THIS INSTANCE!" Opps! Uh I think it's the hair dye I put in her shampoo...I smirked a little and walked down.
"CADENCE! What did you do?" My sister Megan asked.
"Hair dye." I laughed and ran down stairs to see my adoptive mom with pure neon green hair. I started to laugh so hard I cried. She glared at me and slapped me. I sat there, stunned. Ok maybe I've done these kinds of things a lot...but I don't mean any harm. I got angry yeah. Ok? She slapped me. And now she looks like I'm a freak.
"What?!" I snapped.
"Y-your face!?"
I ran to the bathroom. I'm blue. My eyes turned a vicious shade of red. I screamed. And started crying. I heard a hard knock. And the door creak open.
"Cadence...its for you." I ran out and peaked, my blue and red eyes disappeared. This dude in red and silver shiny armor with a blue thingy in the middle came out.
"Hello." I smiled. He smiled back and grabbed me and took me somewhere. I screamed considering I was flying and I hated flights. He let me loose at a building with big letters 'S.H.I.E.L.D.'
"Shield..?" I asked puzzled. He smirked and walked inside his armor thingy coming off.
"THOR, SHE'S HERE!" 'Thor', apparently, began running to me. "Hello. Are you Cadence?" I nodded weakly. I was honestly terrified. But I acted brave one of my best traits getting out of stuff, bending the truth, the usual typical 10 year old.
"Come here." He led me to a room with a bed and a bathroom connected to it and Locked me there.
"Her father would know...we've kept her hidden.." I looked around and saw a vent. Ok...? I smiled and laughed inside and unscrewed the top and bottom and climbed up. I ended up falling into a cell. I looked around and brushed the dirt off me.
"You looking peasant, why are you here." I put my hand on my hips and walked closer to the cell he was wearing green, gold, and black.
"Mister that's not very nice."
"Oh hey! Isn't your name Thor?"
"Don't try this with me." I shrugged,"what?! It's just being nice!" I looked up at Thor and whispered,"Who's the dude in the cage?"
"Loki. He's a bad guy." I nodded and looked at him. Thor glared at me,"What did you do to your mother today?" He said while we were walking out.
"I dyed her hair green. It looked awesome!" I laughed as I heard a loud bang. And another bang,"go to your room. Now." I looked back and saw 'Loki' or whoever screaming and kicking at the walls. I turned to face him but this dude in all black with a bow came and grabbed me.
"DUDE!" I laughed a little as he carried me to my room instead we ended up going to get ice cream, which may I say, was way better! We went back and we watched a movie with Thor and iron man, and captain America. He looked really strong but kind so I stayed on his good side just to make sure. I fell asleep on the couch when everyone else went to bed.

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