Chapter 27 - Akshara - Breakfast in Bed

Start from the beginning

I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before lightly brushing my lips against his. "Okay?"

Abhimanyu nodded his head, returning my smile. "Yes. But I need you to know that while in the past, I did use patients and surgeries as an excuse to avoid going on dates with Shanaya but with you. I need you to know that with you I did try my best. And that I will try my best moving forward."

"I know." I gave his hand a tight squeeze. "But now breakfast time!" I announced, changing the atmosphere of the room.

I settled breakfast tray in between the both of us and picked up a fork and knife just as Abhimanyu —sorry —Abhi picked up the maple syrup and drizzled some onto the pancakes.

I cut a little piece of the pancake with the knife and pricked it with the fork before bringing it to my mouth as Abhimanyu watched me intently, waiting on my reaction. As soon as the first bite of the soft fluffiness hit my throat mixed in with the sweetness of the whipped cream and maple syrup, I closed my eyes and moaned.

So good. So tasty.

"Abhi! They are soo good!" I squealed, like a kid on a sugar rush.

Abhimanyu laughed, wiping the stray stain of whipped cream topping from my nose before capturing my mouth in a kiss. "I'm glad you liked them. Told you, I'm not a bad chef at all."

"Hmm. You weren't lying. Which reminds me, our dinner date is still pending." I replied, sighing in contentment from the kiss.

"Yes, yes, but I have to first check my schedule to see where I can fit you in. I'm a very busy man you see."

"Uh huh. So how do I go about making this appointment then?" I teased back, holding out the fork with a piece of pancake for him.

Abhimanyu held my hand and wrapped his mouth around the fork, staring into my eyes as he bit into the pancake before letting my hand go, removing the fork from his mouth. I felt my cheeks getting inflamed at his gesture and heat pooling in entirety of my body.

I dropped the fork onto the plate and looked away from him, trying to calm myself down. "Is if just me or did if suddenly get hot in here?" I quipped, avoiding eye contact with him.

"It's not just you." Abhimanyu replied back, smiling mischievously at the nervousness on my face.

He then took the fork and broke another piece of pancake before feeding it to me. I then took the extra fork and broke off a piece of pancake and fed it to him. And just like that, between the two of us feeding each other, the 5 pancakes were polished off in no time.

After we were done eating the pancakes, Abhimanyu pointed his brows towards the cup of tea that was waiting for me.

I picked up the cup and took a sip, whilst Abhimanyu watched me intently.

"Not bad." I replied, savouring the taste.

Abhi frowned. "You don't like it?"

"It was good effort. Honestly. But how about next time I teach you how to make adrak wali chai and not YouTube?" I offered, wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him close to me. I caressed his nose with mine, before brushing my lips against his for a light kiss.

Abhimanyu nodded his head as he crushed his mouth to mine, pulling me in for a proper kiss. "Yes." He mumbled into my mouth, deepening the kiss.

I was the first one to pull away from the kiss, my cheeks tomato red. "We have to get ready or else we'll be late for work!" I exclaimed in nervousness, getting up from the bed. I don't know where the sense of nervousness, of hesitation suddenly came from but it was there, clawing it's way out of me.

I heard Abhimanyu sigh. "Okay baby." He replied, keeping my nervousness at bay. "I'll go take a shower and you relax, okay baby?"

I nodded my head as Abhimanyu made his way to the bathroom, pausing, "We won't do anything you don't want to, baby." He promised, gently before closing the door behind him.

I smacked my hand to my forehead, trying to understand why I pulled back from him so suddenly. Because both he and I knew work was just an excuse.

But with how understanding and caring Abhimanyu was, it was hard to not fall in love with him.



My phone chimed and I checked my phone to see I received a text from Abhimanyu.

Meet me in my cabin after you're done with your sessions.

I smiled to myself at the timing of his text. I was on my way to his office anyways so the text couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I guess he missed me as much as I missed him.

As I was about to knock on his cabin door, the door opened and Vikram walked out, almost bumping into me.

"Akshara." He smirked.

"Vikram." I replied back, confused as to why he seemed so happy? As if he knew a secret that I didn't?

I entered the cabin, closing the door behind me, not going to let Vikram ruin my mood. Abhimanyu was standing, leaning in onto his table, his back facing me. Thinking of it being the perfect time, I ran quietly behind him an engulfed him into a big hug.

"Hey you!" I yelled into his shoulder.

I felt Abhimanyu stiffen as he turned around to face me, holding me as I continued to hug him. "I missed you!" I confessed.

No response.

Abhimanyu didn't even reciprocate the hug.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "Did Vikram say something?"

"You lied to me, Ms. Akshara Goenka." His voice was steady, but hard, filled with silent bubbling rage.

I pulled back from the hug and stared at Abhimanyu's face. Shocked. Trying to process the words he had just uttered.

He gave he a hard stare, the glimmer of happiness in his eyes from earlier this morning —gone. Vanished. Instead of was replaced with hollowness and a mask distrust and anger.


"Abhimanyu." His shouted, loud enough to make me flinch.

"Abhimanyu...I can explain." My voice was shaking and my heart was racing as I pleaded with Abhimanyu to give me a chance to explain.

"You lied to me, Ms. Akshara Singhania —or shall I say Ms. Akshara Goenka." He stated, bitterly. "And you know I hate liars." He voice and his eyes were filled with accusations.


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