The Divide Of Austria Hungary And Time skips (Bio)

Start from the beginning

While Hitler was promoted to Lieutenant General and also being Accepted into the Architecture School with his Friend Mussolini.

(Because Hitler still got rejected to the art school he instead go to architecture school after being offered by Elizabeth.


February 13 1917

After winning the first world war The German Empire was at it's peak of power with technological advancements and Many more .

But this will soon be threatened The Communist uprising happened simultaneously around the world .

That's why most of the global powers allied to face this threat .


German Empire (With it's Colonies)
British Empire ( With some of its colonies)
Russian Empire
United States of America
Japanese Empire
Phillipines ( Under the Usa control )
Republic of China (Controls half of china and its capital )
Bulgaria and Greece form a union and renamed themselves as the Byzantine Empire with its goal to Conquer the ottoman empire .

The Communist

Communist China (Who controls the other half of china )
India (who revolted against the British)
Egypt(who revolted against the British)
Saudi Arabia
Ottoman empire
Australia (Who revolted against the British. )

And the war begins.

Meanwhile In azurlane


Azur lane Base

Years after the 1st siren war

March 13 1959

Hood was having suspicion on the queen due to her change after that battle , She often sees Queen Elizabeth talking to someone even though there's no one there .

So Hood Along with Belfast who has the same suspicion Decides to go inside the room unbeknownst to them they were falling into a trap .

Queen Elizabeth set up a trap alongside many of the royal navy to catch Hood and Belfast due to their recent activities near the queen .

And soon enough when they entered they where caught and immediately brought to the cells to be locked up until the day of the execution.

March 16 1959

The day where Hood and Belfast Where Executed due to them working with the sirens , The evidence?
It was made up so Queen Elizabeth could deal with them quickly.

Bismarck after hearing the death of her lover was enraged and almost have the entire ironblood fleet to attack the royal navy but it was stop by the eagle union .

Bismarck on that day could only look at the picture of her lover , She was even ready to get married but it was ruined , Bismarck to relive the pain of losing Hood always go to battles sometimes with no repairs .

Bismarck was just waiting for hood to come back even if its just her delusions.

Bismarck alone sits on her desk doing the paperwork reminiscing those days with Hood beside her .



Balkan Front

Ottoman empire managed to breakthrough the defense Greece and Bulgaria and Serbia has made pushing them back so They Called for German army for support , Which was granted .

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