The Forgotten Wind

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The Forgotten Wind Code Adam Fanficby Alexis von Kryze


"Your target is a T-2 who's been stirring up trouble. We need him eliminated because-"

"I don't care why. Just tell me where he is."

The man with the yellow eyes stalked out, going for his prey.

Chapter 1

"Can't you guys calm down for one second?" Vayu asked, exasperated.

"NA-NA-NA!" The kids ran around, playing in the snow.

I watched them, wondering if I should join. Eh, I never enjoyed the snow much anyway, and I was tired from the last test.

Still, I bring up a wind and throw the snow around, hitting Frida's face.

"I know you did that! I'm gonna get you!" she declares to me, after plastering Qasim with a snowball.

"Come on, Frida, it's time for your test." Vayu led her, albeit with difficulty, away into the lab.

My name is Azul. I am 15 years old and the lab is all I've known of the world. They call us T-2s, and I overheard Jacob say to a visiting scientist called Vesta that we are weaker versions of the 'Originals'. Who they are, I have no idea. All of us kids (there are 5 of us here, and I'm the oldest) have 'abilities', but we're filled with pain when we use them. Not that the scientists care. Every time I get tested, the pain and fatigue gets worse. I can manipulate wind and air, although not to a great degree.

While we're eating lunch in the cafeteria (nutrient cubes again), Akira and Vayu suddenly come inside. Akira looks around and fixates on me.

"Hey Azul, we need you for a test. Follow us."

"But I don't have anything on my schedule; I had a test just a few hours ago," I complain.

"This is a special one, I'll make sure to treat you later, okay?"

"Alri--ght.." I get up and follow them.

Our lives are so regimented, I wonder what this special test could be. Are they going to try to enhance my power again? On the way, I notice that Vayu looks downcast. He is usually pretty cheerful, so I'm a bit scared now.

"In here." I enter a room with an ominous looking chair with a headset and a monitor. I look up to Vayu questioningly.

"Don't worry, sit down."

I sit down, still a bit apprehensive. Akira puts the headset over me and loads up a syringe.

"Are you sure about this?" Vayu asks her.

"Yes, we've researched enough. It should make him stronger and God knows, we could use another like him."

"Like who?" I ask.

"Never mind that, now close your eyes and try to be calm."

Vayu starts up something, the monitor lights up and my headset starts humming.

'What's happening?' races through my mind over and over.

I close my eyes and I feel a slight pin prick as Akira uses the syringe.

Then all goes black.

Chapter 2

"Atlas, wake up."

I open my eyes and see a vaguely familiar face.

"Seems like you overexerted yourself, we brought you back to the lab. Well done destroying the enemy base."

Enemy base? Which enemy? What base?

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