Part 4

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[yall are absolutely amazing. like all this support is wild. and all the feedback is much appreciated. i really hope that putting this in first person made it easier to understand. anyways enjoy and ttyl]

"Simon, I'm gone for a few months and you already can't control yourself," I try to keep myself as composed as possible. Knowing that I'm as needy for him as he is for me right now.

"A few months too long, (y/n),"

"Mhm," his finger is under my chin as I look ahead, "I can feel your heart beating under my fingers,"

    I suck my teeth as I pull away. Glaring at him before making my way back to the base. I can hear him laughing as I feel my cheeks growing warm. I pull my mask up over my nose. When I get back to base they've already cleaned up the equipment.

"Ah just in time, (y/n)," I can hear the sarcasm in his words and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck you Soap," I give him the finger as I walk by him and he blows me a kiss. "Asshole," I mutter as I make my way to the only remaining table.

    I put my weapons on the table as he grabs a clipboard. I look away as he checks my guns and knives. Scribbling on the clipboard. I spot Ghost walking towards us. His eyes on mine as he glares. I look at Soap who continues scribbling onto the paper clipped onto the clipboard. He looks up before looking over at Ghost.

"Damn, what'd you do?"

I can't take my eyes off Simon, "No idea," I lie as he catches up.

"You done here?" Ghost glares at me and Soap glances back and forth between us.

"Yep, all yours," Soap sucks in through his teeth before tapping the table and walking away.

"Check my weapons," I look at him before stepping around to the other side of the table.

    After checking his bigger gun and placing it to the side I look at him. As I lean against the table he watches me. Though he wears a mask, his eyes are enough to tell me what he's thinking.

"What?" I question as I watch him look down at the weapons.

"You're going fucking slow is what,"

"Im rusty,"

"Hurry up will you? We've wasted enough time as it is,"

"Mhm," I pick up another gun and inspect it, checking the ammo and looking for any scratches on the gun itself. After counting all the weapons and checking each one off, we put them in a crate. I help him carry it onto the jet before finally taking a seat. With a sigh I remove my mask and rest my head against the back of the seat.

"Soap," he's sitting a couple seats down from Ghost, across from me as he looks over at me, "What'd you think about the mission?"

He shrugs, "Could have been better," he glances at Ghost as he bites his cheek and shrugs again, looking back at me, "But you did a great job for your first mission back,"

"Hm, thank you," I tilt my head, "What do you think could have been done differently?" the ramp starts to rise and we fasten our seatbelts.

I look at him as I buckle myself in, "Maybe, next time, leave Ghost at home," he shrugs with a smirk and Ghost flips him off as I throw my head back, laughing.

"I'll take that into consideration, thank you," I lower my head with a scoff.

"Now I have to ask," I glance up at Ghost before looking over at Soap, "What does he look like?"

I laugh, "Irrelevant,"

"Oh come on, (y/n)," he throws his hands up and I smirk, "Something, a clue?"

I shake my head, "For me to know and for you to never find out,"

"Evil," he turns his head towards Ghost, who turns his face before looking away from me to look at Soap, "They're evil,"

"Indeed they are," he agrees and I scoff again.

"Thanks. Anyways, that building back there," I take a deep breath, "As you know, housed some terrible people. There were no civilian casualties," Soap nods as I continue, "But...we didn't get all the suspects,"

"What?" Soap starts but Ghost raises his hand, motioning for me to continue.

"Some had been tipped off that we were invading. They escaped," I furrow my eyebrows, "We don't know who, or when, or even why. What we do know is that we need to find them before they find us. Understood?" they nod, "Now, for this mission, Ghost will be taking over," I roll my eyes, annoyance lining my words, "And we will be getting additional crew members," Soap looks over at Ghost.

"Roach and Yuri," Soap nods, "We'll be infiltrating so get ready," he looks at Soap before looking over at me and I give him a nod.

[wooo. so. yeah? thoughts questions concerns? where should i go from here. what do yall want to see. what do we neeeed people !! lol ttyl]

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